Producties Holland Festival

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Jeu de cartes - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
Valses nobles et sentimentales - Holland Festival - 1948-06-16Dans1947/1948De Nederlandsche Opera
La fiancee du diable - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
Le bal des blanchisseuses - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
L'heure espagnole - Holland Festival - 1948-06-16Muziektheater1947/1948De Nederlandsche Opera
Treize Danses - Holland Festival - 1948-07-02Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
La fille aux yeux d'email (Coppelia, extrait du 2e acte) - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
La sylphide - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
The Beggar's Opera - Holland Festival - 1948-06-25Muziektheater1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
The English Opera Group
Le portrait de Don Quichote - Holland Festival - 1948-07-02Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
Concert de Danses - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
Le spectre de la rose - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
Les forains - Holland Festival - 1948-07-01Dans1947/1948Wagnervereeniging
Ballets des Champs-Élysées
Le lac des cygnes - Holland Festival - 1949-06-17Dans1948/1949Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Rosario and Antonio - Holland Festival - 1949-06-17Dans1948/1949
Il serraglio - Holland Festival - 1949-07-01Muziektheater1948/1949Wiener Staatsoper
Shango - Holland Festival - 1949-07-13Amusementsvorm1948/1949Nationale Revue Producties
Motivos - Holland Festival - 1949-07-13Amusementsvorm1948/1949Nationale Revue Producties
Straatscene - Holland Festival - 1949-07-13Amusementsvorm1948/1949Nationale Revue Producties
Concerto barocco - Holland Festival - 1949-06-17Dans1949/1950
Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Dessins pour les six - Holland Festival - 1949-06-17Dans1948/1949Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Le cygne noir - Holland Festival - 1949-06-17Dans1949/1950
Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Les Sylphides - Holland Festival - 1949-06-18Dans1949/1950
Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Finale - Holland Festival - 1949-07-13Amusementsvorm1948/1949Nationale Revue Producties
Pas de trois classique - Holland Festival - 1949-06-19Dans1948/1949Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Nostalgia - Holland Festival - 1949-07-13Amusementsvorm1948/1949Nationale Revue Producties
Ag'ya - Holland Festival - 1949-07-13Amusementsvorm1948/1949Nationale Revue Producties
Casse Noisette - Holland Festival - 1949-06-18Dans1949/1950
Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Tropics - Holland Festival - 1949-07-13Amusementsvorm1948/1949Nationale Revue Producties
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Holland Festival - 1950-06-29Toneel1949/1950The Young Vic
Persephone - Holland Festival - 1950-07-04Dans1949/1950Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Del amor y de la muerte - Holland Festival - 1950-07-15Dans1949/1950Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
She Stoops to Conquer - Holland Festival - 1950-06-17Toneel1949/1950The Old Vic Company
Le moulin enchante - Holland Festival - 1950-07-15Dans1949/1950Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Rosario y Antonio - Holland Festival - 1950-06-17Dans1949/1950Nationale Revue Bob Peters
Petrouchka - Holland Festival - 1950-07-09Dans1949/1950Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
De Perzen - Holland Festival - 1950-07-08Toneel1949/1950Group de Théâtre Antique de la Sorbonne
Giselle - Holland Festival - 1950-07-09Dans1949/1950Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Hamlet - Holland Festival - 1950-06-18Toneel1949/1950The Old Vic Company
Une tragedie a Verone - Holland Festival - 1950-07-04Dans1949/1950Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas
Jeux d'enfants - Holland Festival - 1951-06-18Dans1950/1951Ballet van de Nederlandse Opera
Stichting De Nederlandse Opera
Garden Party - Holland Festival - 1951-06-18Dans1953/1954
Ballet der Lage Landen
Stichting De Nederlandse Opera
Moulin Rouge - Holland Festival - 1951-06-18Dans1950/1951Ballet der Lage Landen
Stichting De Nederlandse Opera
Invitation à la valse - Holland Festival - 1951-06-18Dans1950/1951Ballet der Lage Landen
Stichting De Nederlandse Opera
Pas de deux - Holland Festival - 1951-06-18Dans1950/1951Ballet der Lage Landen
Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda - Holland Festival - 1951-06-20Muziektheater1950/1951The English Opera Group
Hommage à la danse classique - Holland Festival - 1951-07-03Dans1950/1951
Dido and Aeneas - Holland Festival - 1951-06-20Muziektheater1950/1951The English Opera Group
New York City Ballet - Holland Festival - 1952-06-27Dans1951/1952New York City Ballet
Elsa Verghis - Holland Festival - 1953-07-01Toneel1952/1953
Nationaal Theater van Griekenland
Panigyris - Holland Festival - 1953-07-09Dans1952/1953Het Nationaal Danstheater van Griekenland
Ram Gopal en zijn hindu-dansers - Holland Festival - 1953-07-10Dans1952/1953
Lulu - Holland Festival - 1953-07-07Muziektheater1952/1953Die Bühnen der Stadt Essen
Don Juan - Holland Festival - 1954-06-25Toneel1953/1954Théâtre National Populaire
Liebelei - Holland Festival - 1954-07-02Toneel1953/1954Wiener Burgtheater
Nathan der Weise - Holland Festival - 1954-07-01Toneel1953/1954Wiener Burgtheater
Le cid - Holland Festival - 1954-06-24Toneel1953/1954Théâtre National Populaire
Komtesse Mizzi - Holland Festival - 1954-07-02Toneel1953/1954Wiener Burgtheater
La Cenerentola - Holland Festival - 1954-06-30Muziektheater1953/1954Teatro alla Scala
Kabale und Liebe - Holland Festival - 1955-06-16Toneel1954/1955Schiller Theater Berlin
The Turn of The Screw - Holland Festival - 1955-07-08Muziektheater1954/1955The English Opera Group
Much Ado about Nothing - Holland Festival - 1955-07-05Toneel1954/1955The Shakespeare memorial theatre company
The Tragedy of King Lear - Holland Festival - 1955-07-07Toneel1954/1955The Shakespeare memorial theatre company
L'italiana in Algeri - Holland Festival - 1955-06-24Muziektheater1954/1955Teatro alla Scala
Pas de trois - Holland Festival - 1955-07-03Dans1954/1955New York City Ballet
De liefde voor de drie sinaasappelen - Holland Festival - 1956-06-17Muziektheater1955/1956Sloveense Nationale Opera
Symphony for Fun - Holland Festival - 1956-07-05Dans1955/1956London Festival Ballet
L'avare - Holland Festival - 1956-06-16Toneel1955/1956Théâtre National Populaire
Maria Stuart - Holland Festival - 1956-07-06Toneel1955/1956Staatstheater Stuttgart
Württembergisches Staatstheater Stuttgart
Le triomphe de l'amour - Holland Festival - 1956-06-16Toneel1955/1956Théâtre National Populaire
Falstaff - Holland Festival - 1956-06-29Muziektheater1955/1956
La Esmeralda - Holland Festival - 1956-07-05Dans1955/1956London Festival Ballet
Sheherazade - Holland Festival - 1956-06-29Dans1955/1956
Etudes - Holland Festival - 1956-06-29Dans1955/1956London Festival Ballet
Les sylphides - Holland Festival - 1956-06-29Dans1955/1956London Festival Ballet
Hommage à une princesse - Holland Festival - 1956-06-29Dans1955/1956London Festival Ballet
Napoli - Holland Festival - 1956-07-05Dans1955/1956London Festival Ballet
Solitaire - Holland Festival - 1957-06-19Dans1956/1957The Royal Ballet
The Rake's Progress - Holland Festival - 1957-06-19Dans1973/1974
The Royal Ballet
Apparitions - Holland Festival - 1957-06-18Dans1956/1957The Royal Ballet
Arlecchino servitore di due padroni - Holland Festival - 1957-06-19Toneel1958/1959
Piccolo Teatro di Milano
Moortje - Holland Festival - 1957-06-15Toneel1956/1957
Spaanse Dansgroep Ximenez-Vargas - Holland Festival - 1957-07-07Dans1956/1957Dansgroep Ximenez-Vargas
La leçon - Holland Festival - 1957-06-27Toneel1956/1957Studio des Champs Elysées
Les patineurs - Holland Festival - 1957-06-18Dans1956/1957The Royal Ballet
House of Birds - Holland Festival - 1957-06-19Dans1956/1957The Royal Ballet
Blood Wedding - Holland Festival - 1957-06-18Dans1956/1957The Royal Ballet
Der Unbestechliche - Holland Festival - 1957-07-02Toneel1956/1957Wiener Burgtheater
Danses concertantes - Holland Festival - 1957-06-19Dans1956/1957The Royal Ballet
Les chaises - Holland Festival - 1957-06-27Toneel1956/1957Studio des Champs Elysées
An Anthology of Shakespeare - Holland Festival - 1957-06-16Toneel1956/1957
Les rendez-vous - Holland Festival - 1957-06-18Dans1956/1957The Royal Ballet
Henri IV - Holland Festival - 1958-06-19Toneel1957/1958Théâtre National Populaire
L'Etourdi - Holland Festival - 1958-06-17Toneel1957/1958Théâtre National Populaire
Romeo and Juliet - Holland Festival - 1958-07-03Dans1957/1958Ballet van het Nationale Theater van Belgrado
The Ginger-Bread Heart - Holland Festival - 1958-07-01Dans1957/1958Ballet van het Nationale Theater van Belgrado
Offenbach in The Underworld - Holland Festival - 1958-06-25Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Die Sache Makropoulos - Holland Festival - 1958-07-02Muziektheater1957/1958Deutsche Oper am Rhein
The Nutcracker - pas de deux - Holland Festival - 1958-06-25Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Theme and Variations - Holland Festival - 1958-06-28Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Fancy Free - Holland Festival - 1958-06-24Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Acte sans paroles - Holland Festival - 1958-06-21Toneel1957/1958Théâtre d' Aujourd'hui
The Black Swan - pas de deux 3e akte - Holland Festival - 1958-06-30Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Paean - Holland Festival - 1958-06-24Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Von heute auf morgen - Holland Festival - 1958-06-21Muziektheater1957/1958
Ariadne auf Naxos - Holland Festival - 1958-07-01Muziektheater1957/1958Deutsche Oper am Rhein
Erwartung - Holland Festival - 1958-06-21Muziektheater1957/1958
Shakuntala of De noodlottige ring - Holland Festival - 1958-06-30Toneel1957/1958
Winter's Eve - Holland Festival - 1958-06-25Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Das Konzert - Holland Festival - 1958-07-04Toneel1957/1958Wiener Burgtheater
Interplay - Holland Festival - 1958-06-29Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
The Miraculous Mandarin - Holland Festival - 1958-07-01Dans1957/1958Ballet van het Nationale Theater van Belgrado
Don Quixote - grand pas de deux - Holland Festival - 1958-06-24Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Billy The Kid - Holland Festival - 1958-06-29Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Fin de partie - Holland Festival - 1958-06-21Toneel1957/1958Théâtre d' Aujourd'hui
Rodeo or The Courting at Burnt Ranch - Holland Festival - 1958-06-26Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Pillar of Fire - Holland Festival - 1958-06-24Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
Paquita - pas de deux - Holland Festival - 1958-06-29Dans1957/1958American Ballet Theatre
On ne saurait penser à tout - Holland Festival - 1959-06-16Toneel1958/1959Le Grenier de Toulouse
Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard - Holland Festival - 1959-06-16Toneel1958/1959Le Grenier de Toulouse
Eurydice - Holland Festival - 1959-06-17Toneel1958/1959Le Grenier de Toulouse
Il mondo della luna - Holland Festival - 1959-06-24Muziektheater1958/1959Festival d'Aix-en-Provence
Spaanse fantasie - Holland Festival - 1959-07-03Dans1958/1959José Greco
Ulysses in Nighttown - Holland Festival - 1959-07-11Toneel1958/1959London Arts Theatre
Der Zerrissene - Holland Festival - 1959-07-04Toneel1958/1959Wiener Burgtheater
Troilus en Cressida - Holland Festival - 1959-06-28Toneel1958/1959
Protée - Holland Festival - 1959-06-22Toneel1958/1959Théâtre d' Aujourd'hui
The Black Swan, Swan Lake - pas de deux Act III - Holland Festival - 1960-07-051959/1960
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Holland Festival - 1960-07-11Muziektheater1959/1960The English Opera Group
Les trois mousquetaires - Holland Festival - 1960-06-23Toneel1959/1960Compagnie Roger Planchon
Panchatantra - Holland Festival - 1960-07-01Dans1959/1960Little Ballet Troupe of Bombay
Fall River Legend - Holland Festival - 1960-07-05Dans1959/1960American Ballet Theatre
Swan Lake - pas de deux, Act III, The Black Swan - Holland Festival - 1960-07-05Dans1959/1960American Ballet Theatre
Geliebter Lügner - Holland Festival - 1960-06-20Toneel1959/1960Der Grüne Wagen
Wozzeck - Holland Festival - 1960-07-04Muziektheater1959/1960Bayerische Staatsoper München
Les sylphides - Holland Festival - 1960-07-06Dans1959/1960American Ballet Theatre
Fancy Free - Holland Festival - 1960-07-05Dans1959/1960American Ballet Theatre
Chopin concerto - Holland Festival - 1960-07-05Dans1959/1960American Ballet Theatre
Miss Julie - Holland Festival - 1960-07-06Dans1959/1960American Ballet Theatre
Arms and the Man - Holland Festival - 1960-06-29Toneel1959/1960Cyril Cusack Productions
Ballet Español de Pilar López - Holland Festival - 1960-07-05Dans1959/1960Ballet Español de Pilar López
Ramayana - Holland Festival - 1960-06-27Dans1959/1960Little Ballet Troupe of Bombay
Krapp's Last Tape - Holland Festival - 1960-06-29Toneel1959/1960Cyril Cusack Productions
Anatol - Holland Festival - 1960-07-04Toneel1959/1960Wiener Burgtheater
Graduation Ball - Holland Festival - 1960-07-06Dans1959/1960American Ballet Theatre
Capriccio - Holland Festival - 1960-07-02Muziektheater1959/1960Bayerische Staatsoper München
De spiegel der minnen - Holland Festival - 1960-06-17Toneel1959/1960Koninklijke Nederlandse Schouwburg
Cyt, Cyt - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Polonaise uit Zywiec - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Bandoska - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
De voerman - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Liederen en dansen uit Groot Polen - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Wandlungen - Holland Festival - 1961-07-01Dans1960/1961Ballett der Bühnen der Stadt Köln
Electra - Holland Festival - 1961-07-04Toneel1960/1961Piraikon Theatron
Lied en dans uit Lublin - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
La valse - Holland Festival - 1961-07-01Dans1960/1961Ballett der Bühnen der Stadt Köln
Ik moet een oude man trouwen - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Lowiczanka; Mazurka-Oberek-Finale - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Oberek uit Opoczno - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Liederen en dansen uit Rzeszow - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
De kraanvogel - De langzame dansen der Kurpen - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Bildnis des Don Quichote - Holland Festival - 1961-07-01Dans1960/1961Ballett der Bühnen der Stadt Köln
Warmisch-liederen en dansen uit Mazure - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Liederen uit Cieszyn - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Muziektheater1960/1961Mazowsze
De Kaukasische krijtkring - Holland Festival - 1961-06-15Toneel1960/1961
Krakowiak - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Het dal - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Cardillac - Holland Festival - 1961-06-28Muziektheater1960/1961Wuppertaler Bühnen
Luther - Holland Festival - 1961-07-11Toneel1960/1961English Stage Company
Liederen en dansen van de Kaschuben - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Dansen uit Biskupizna - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
De koekoek - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Kujawiak - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Pulcinella - Holland Festival - 1961-07-01Dans1960/1961Ballett der Bühnen der Stadt Köln
Onder het Melkwoud - Holland Festival - 1960-07-04Toneel1960/1961Han Bentz van den Berg
Warschauer Polonaise - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Liederen en dansen der Goralen - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Het spinrokken (Polkalied uit Sieradz) - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Rondedans - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
The Importance of Being Oscar - Holland Festival - 1961-06-16Toneel1960/1961Micheál Mac Liammóir
Ogarek - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Polka Tramblanka uit Opoczno - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
De taling - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Lied en dans uit Krakau - Holland Festival - 1961-06-22Dans1960/1961Mazowsze
Le nozze di Figaro - Holland Festival - 1961-06-19Muziektheater1960/1961
Pièces pour orchestre, opus 6 et 10 - Holland Festival - 1962-07-04Dans1962/1963
Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
Der Schwierige - Holland Festival - 1962-07-02Toneel1961/1962Wiener Burgtheater
The Hollow Crown - Holland Festival - 1962-06-15Toneel1961/1962The Royal Shakespeare Company
Divertimento - Holland Festival - 1962-07-04Dans1961/1962Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
Macbeth - Holland Festival - 1962-06-20Toneel1961/1962The Old Vic Company
Doktor Faust - Holland Festival - 1962-06-27Muziektheater1961/1962Wuppertaler Bühnen
Pantomimes - Holland Festival - 1962-07-04Mime1973/1974
Samy Molcho
Le sacre du printemps - Holland Festival - 1962-07-04Dans1961/1962Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
Twelfth Night - Holland Festival - 1962-06-19Toneel1961/1962The Old Vic Company
Il barbiere di Siviglia - Holland Festival - 1962-06-19Muziektheater1961/1962
Medea - Holland Festival - 1962-06-24Toneel1961/1962Piraikon Theatron
Der Talisman - Holland Festival - 1963-07-02Toneel1962/1963Wiener Burgtheater
Stella - Holland Festival - 1963-07-02Toneel1962/1963Wiener Burgtheater
Joegoslavisch Folkloristisch Ensemble Kolo - Holland Festival - 1963-07-02Dans1962/1963Nationaal Joegoslavisch Danstheater (Dragomir Vukovic)
Falstaff - Holland Festival - 1963-06-20Muziektheater1962/1963
Uitkomst - Holland Festival - 1963-06-15Toneel1962/1963
De weg - Holland Festival - 1963-06-16Toneel1962/1963Divadlo Na Zábradlí
George Dandin - Holland Festival - 1963-06-19Toneel1962/1963Théâtre de la cité de Villeurbanne
I due gemelli Veneziani - Holland Festival - 1963-07-11Toneel1962/1963Teatro Stabile di Genova
Elektra (concertuitvoering) - Holland Festival - 1963-06-30Muziektheater1962/1963Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest
La fille mal gardée - Holland Festival - 1964-06-16Dans1963/1964The Royal Ballet
Rapsodie - Holland Festival - 1964-07-06Dans1963/1964Kroatisch Nationaal Ballet
Love's Labour's Lost - Holland Festival - 1964-06-22Toneel1963/1964The Bristol Old Vic Company
Opera van Peking en Kun Chu - Holland Festival - 1964-07-06Muziektheater1963/1964Opera van Peking
Katerina Ismailova - Holland Festival - 1964-07-04Muziektheater1963/1964Kroatisch Nationaal Theater Zagreb
Triptiek - Holland Festival - 1964-07-06Dans1963/1964Kroatisch Nationaal Ballet
Literaire matinee - Holland Festival - 1964-06-28Toneel1963/1964Wiener Burgtheater
Sargasso - Holland Festival - 1964-06-13Dans1963/1964Nederlands Dans Theater
Don Juan - Holland Festival - 1964-06-26Dans1963/1964Het Nationale Ballet
Einen Jux will er sich machen - Holland Festival - 1964-06-26Muziektheater1963/1964Wiener Burgtheater
The Sleeping Beauty - Holland Festival - 1964-06-15Dans1963/1964The Royal Ballet
King Henry The Fifth - Holland Festival - 1964-06-23Toneel1963/1964The Bristol Old Vic Company
Hamlet - Holland Festival - 1964-06-19Dans1963/1964The Royal Ballet
De witte slang - Holland Festival - 1964-07-17Muziektheater1963/1964Opera van Peking
Bewegingen - Holland Festival - 1964-07-06Dans1963/1964Kroatisch Nationaal Ballet
Ontmoetingen - Holland Festival - 1964-07-06Dans1963/1964Kroatisch Nationaal Ballet
La bayadère (4e acte, De Schaduwen) - Holland Festival - 1964-06-26Dans1963/1964
Het Nationale Ballet
Boris Godoenow - Holland Festival - 1964-07-02Muziektheater1963/1964Kroatisch Nationaal Theater Zagreb
Curlew River - Holland Festival - 1964-07-07Muziektheater1963/1964The English Opera Group
Field Mass - Holland Festival - 1965-06-15Dans1964/1965Nederlands Dans Theater
Cantes Romeros - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
De droom - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Muziektheater1964/1965
Le pescatrici - Holland Festival - 1965-06-26Muziektheater1964/1965
Post Meridian - Holland Festival - 1965-07-06Dans1964/1965Paul Taylor Dance Company
Romance de la blanca paloma - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Antigone - Holland Festival - 1965-07-10Toneel1964/1965Théâtre de l'Atelier
El sombrero de tres picos - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Aureole - Holland Festival - 1965-07-05Dans1964/1965Paul Taylor Dance Company
Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder - Holland Festival - 1965-07-05Toneel1964/1965Bühnen der Stadt Köln
Concierto de Aranjuez - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Duet - Holland Festival - 1965-07-05Dans1964/1965Paul Taylor Dance Company
Guitarra flamenca - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Tangos gitanos - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Piece Period - Holland Festival - 1965-07-05Dans1964/1965Paul Taylor Dance Company
Alégrias gaditanas salineras - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Entrata - Holland Festival - 1965-06-15Dans1964/1965Nederlands Dans Theater
Astúrias - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Jean Lévecq - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Muziektheater1964/1965
Three Epitaphs - Holland Festival - 1965-07-06Dans1964/1965Paul Taylor Dance Company
De groene tafel - Holland Festival - 1965-06-19Dans1964/1965
Het Nationale Ballet
Scudorama - Holland Festival - 1965-07-05Dans1964/1965Paul Taylor Dance Company
Un mois à la campagne - Holland Festival - 1965-07-13Toneel1964/1965Théâtre de l'Atelier
The Game of Noah - Holland Festival - 1965-06-29Dans1964/1965Nederlands Dans Theater
Een buitengewoon concert - Holland Festival - 1965-06-18Poppenspel1964/1965Obraztsov Theatre
Viva Navarra - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
Albaicin - Holland Festival - 1965-06-16Dans1964/1965Ballet Español de Pilar López
The Amen Corner - Holland Festival - 1965-06-26Toneel1964/1965Haizlip-Stoiber Company
L'enterrement - Holland Festival - 1965-07-10Toneel1964/1965Théâtre de l'Atelier
Orbs - Holland Festival - 1966-07-04Dans1965/1966Paul Taylor Dance Company
Thyestes - Holland Festival - 1967-06-16Toneel1965/1966Toneel Vandaag
Duet - Holland Festival - 1966-07-04Dans1965/1966Paul Taylor Dance Company
The Burning Fiery Furnace - Holland Festival - 1966-06-06Muziektheater1965/1966The English Opera Group
Junction - Holland Festival - 1966-07-04Dans1965/1966Paul Taylor Dance Company
De standvastige prins - Holland Festival - 1966-06-28Toneel1965/1966Teatr Laboratorium 13 Rzedow
Het leven van Jozef - Holland Festival - 1966-07-11Toneel1965/1966Teatr Narodowy
3 Epitaphs - Holland Festival - 1966-07-04Dans1965/1966Paul Taylor Dance Company
Tartuffe - Holland Festival - 1966-06-16Toneel1965/1966Compagnie Roger Planchon
I Capuleti e i Montecchi - Holland Festival - 1966-06-24Muziektheater1965/1966
Aureole - Holland Festival - 1966-07-12Dans1965/1966Paul Taylor Dance Company
Pantomimes - Holland Festival - 1966-06-25Mime1965/1966Marcel Marceau
Warenar - Holland Festival - 1966-06-15Toneel1965/1966Nederlandse Toneelmanifestatie
Prinz Friedrich von Homburg - Holland Festival - 1966-06-18Toneel1965/1966Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Scudorama - Holland Festival - 1966-07-12Dans1965/1966Paul Taylor Dance Company
From Sea to Shining Sea - Holland Festival - 1966-07-12Dans1965/1966Paul Taylor Dance Company
Akropolis - Holland Festival - 1967-06-18Toneel1966/1967Teatr Laboratorium 13 Rzedow
Variaties 4-4 - Holland Festival - 1967-07-04Dans1966/1967Het Nationale Ballet
Kathakali Theater - Holland Festival - 1967-07-13Dans1966/1967Kathakali Dansdrama Theater
Measure for Measure - Holland Festival - 1967-07-06Toneel1966/1967The Bristol Old Vic Company
Emperor Jones - Holland Festival - 1967-06-19Toneel1966/1967Haizlip-Stoiber Company
Eugene O'Neill Memorial Theatre
The Road of The Phoebe Snow - Holland Festival - 1967-06-26Dans1966/1967Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Revelations - Holland Festival - 1967-06-26Dans1967/1968
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Choreostruction - Holland Festival - 1967-06-16Dans1966/1967Nederlands Dans Theater
Elegie für junge Liebende - Holland Festival - 1967-07-03Muziektheater1966/1967Deutsche Oper Berlin
Die heimliche Ehe - Holland Festival - 1967-07-02Muziektheater1966/1967Deutsche Oper Berlin
Reflections in D - Holland Festival - 1967-06-26Dans1967/1968
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Romeo en Julia - Holland Festival - 1967-06-23Dans1966/1967Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
De zeven hoofdzonden - Holland Festival - 1967-07-07Dans1966/1967Nederlands Dans Theater
Double Duet - Holland Festival - 1967-07-07Dans1966/1967Nederlands Dans Theater
Hamlet - Holland Festival - 1967-07-05Toneel1966/1967The Bristol Old Vic Company
Pit en bolster - Holland Festival - 1967-07-04Dans1966/1967Het Nationale Ballet
Het sluwe vosje - Holland Festival - 1967-06-23Muziektheater1966/1967Nationaal Theater Praag
Toccata - Holland Festival - 1967-06-26Dans1966/1967Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Blues Suite - Holland Festival - 1967-06-26Dans1966/1967Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
L'été - Holland Festival - 1967-07-02Toneel1966/1967Théâtre de Poche
Prometheus - Holland Festival - 1967-07-02Toneel1966/1967Nederlandse Toneelmanifestatie
Symphonie concertante - Holland Festival - 1967-07-04Dans1966/1967Het Nationale Ballet
Toccata - Holland Festival - 1968-06-26Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Rehearsal - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
Errand into The Maze - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
The Black District - Holland Festival - 1968-06-23Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Prodigal Prince - Holland Festival - 1968-06-26Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Embattled Garden - Holland Festival - 1968-06-19Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
Iphigenie auf Tauris - Holland Festival - 1968-07-02Toneel1967/1968Wiener Burgtheater
Rococo variaties - Holland Festival - 1968-07-04Dans1967/1968Nederlands Dans Theater
The Mythical Hunters - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against The Eunuchs - Holland Festival - 1968-06-17Toneel1967/1968National Youth Theatre of Great Britain
Adam and Eve - Holland Festival - 1968-06-19Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
Dom Juan - Holland Festival - 1968-07-02Toneel1967/1968La Comédie Française
Ivesiana - Holland Festival - 1968-06-25Dans1993/1994
Het Nationale Ballet
Krapp's Last Tape - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Toneel1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Caves of The Heart - Holland Festival - 1968-06-17Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
Dealy Plaza - Holland Festival - 1968-06-19Toneel1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Brandenburgs concert no. 4 - Holland Festival - 1968-06-25Dans1967/1968
Het Nationale Ballet
Archy and Mehitabel - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Toneel1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Gallantry - A Soap Opera - Holland Festival - 1968-06-21Toneel1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Journey - Holland Festival - 1968-06-23Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
The Prodigal Son - Holland Festival - 1968-07-04Muziektheater1967/1968The English Opera Group
Macbeth - Holland Festival - 1968-06-22Muziektheater1967/1968Teatro la Fenice
Congo Tango Palace - Holland Festival - 1968-06-23Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Icarus - Holland Festival - 1968-06-23Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
The Sand Box - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Toneel1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Shore Bourne - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
Credo - Holland Festival - 1968-06-26Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Metallics - Holland Festival - 1968-06-26Dans1967/1968Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Le boeuf sur le toit - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Muziektheater1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Feiffer's People - Holland Festival - 1968-06-21Amusementsvorm1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Lucelle - Holland Festival - 1968-06-05Toneel1967/1968Nederlandse Toneelmanifestatie
Moses und Aron - Holland Festival - 1968-06-17Muziektheater1967/1968Deutsche Oper am Rhein
Side Show - Holland Festival - 1968-06-17Dans1967/1968Batsheva Dance Company
Zoo Story - Holland Festival - 1968-06-16Toneel1967/1968Festival Theatre U.S.C.
Walpurgisnacht (Faust) - Holland Festival - 1969-07-09Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Tent - Holland Festival - 1969-06-30Dans1968/1969
The Dance Theatre of Alwin Nikolais
A la recherche de... - Holland Festival - 1969-06-17Dans1968/1969Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
Così fan tutte o sia- la scuola degli amanti - Holland Festival - 1969-07-17Muziektheater1968/1969
Stimmung - Holland Festival - 1969-06-22Muziektheater1968/1969
Donauwaltzer - Holland Festival - 1969-07-10Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Troilus and Cressida - Holland Festival - 1969-06-30Toneel1968/1969The Royal Shakespeare Company
Spring Waters - Holland Festival - 1969-07-10Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
L'art de la barre - Holland Festival - 1969-06-17Dans1968/1969Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
Music Hall - Holland Festival - 1969-06-20Amusementsvorm1968/1969
Straussiana - Holland Festival - 1969-07-09Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Tower - Holland Festival - 1969-06-30Dans1968/1969The Dance Theatre of Alwin Nikolais
Bo-shibari - Holland Festival - 1969-06-23Toneel1968/1969Tokyo (Umewaka Manzaburo XIII) Nippon Nôgaku-Dan
Futari Daimo - Holland Festival - 1969-06-23Toneel1968/1969Tokyo (Umewaka Manzaburo XIII) Nippon Nôgaku-Dan
Divertimento nr. 15 - Holland Festival - 1969-07-10Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Doornroosje - pas de deux - Holland Festival - 1969-07-10Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Divertissement - Holland Festival - 1969-06-30Dans1968/1969
The Dance Theatre of Alwin Nikolais
Imago - Holland Festival - 1969-06-30Dans1968/1969The Dance Theatre of Alwin Nikolais
Bhakti - Holland Festival - 1969-06-17Dans1968/1969Ballet van de XXe Eeuw
Clair de Lune - Holland Festival - 1969-07-10Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Oben und Unten - Holland Festival - 1969-06-22Muziektheater1968/1969
Matsukaze - Holland Festival - 1969-06-23Toneel1968/1969Nippon Nôgaku-Dan
Sagi - Holland Festival - 1969-06-23Toneel1968/1969Tokyo (Umewaka Manzaburo XIII) Nippon Nôgaku-Dan
Funabenkei - Holland Festival - 1969-06-23Toneel1968/1969Tokyo (Umewaka Manzaburo XIII) Nippon Nôgaku-Dan
Les sylphides - Holland Festival - 1969-07-09Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Don Quichotte - pas de deux - Holland Festival - 1969-07-09Dans1968/1969Ballet van de Weense Staatsopera
Stomp - Holland Festival - 1970-06-20Amusementsvorm1969/1970The Combine
De verkochte bruid - Holland Festival - 1970-06-23Muziektheater1969/1970Nationaal Theater Praag
Kangen - Holland Festival - 1970-06-19Muziektheater1969/1970Keizerlijke Hofkapel van Japan Tsuji Toshio
Scramble - Holland Festival - 1970-06-23Dans1969/1970Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Tread - Holland Festival - 1970-06-25Dans1969/1970Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Melodrama Play - Holland Festival - 1970-06-30Toneel1969/1970The New Troupe
Symphonie in C - Holland Festival - 1970-06-16Dans1995/1996
Het Nationale Ballet
Rainforest - Holland Festival - 1970-06-23Dans1969/1970Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Canfield - Holland Festival - 1970-06-25Dans1969/1970Merce Cunningham Dance Company
The Holy Ghostly - Holland Festival - 1970-06-30Toneel1969/1970The New Troupe
Das Wort - Holland Festival - 1970-06-18Toneel1969/1970Theater in der Josefstadt
Ninjomai - Holland Festival - 1970-06-19Muziektheater1969/1970Keizerlijke Hofkapel van Japan Tsuji Toshio
Second Hand - Holland Festival - 1970-06-25Dans2008/2009
Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Music Hall - Holland Festival - 1970-07-26Amusementsvorm1969/1970
You Can't Always Get What You Want - Holland Festival - 1970-06-16Dans1969/1970Het Nationale Ballet
Zigger Zagger - Holland Festival - 1970-07-04Toneel1969/1970National Youth Theatre of Great Britain
Bugaku - Holland Festival - 1970-06-19Muziektheater1969/1970Keizerlijke Hofkapel van Japan Tsuji Toshio
Gurton's Apocalyptic Needle - Holland Festival - 1970-06-29Toneel1969/1970The New Troupe
Purple Moment - Holland Festival - 1970-07-03Dans1969/1970Nederlands Dans Theater
Orlando Furioso - Holland Festival - 1970-06-20Toneel1969/1970Teatro Libero
The Happy Prince - Holland Festival - 1970-06-16Muziektheater1969/1970De Kinderopera
How to Pass, Kick, Fall and Run - Holland Festival - 1970-06-23Dans1969/1970Merce Cunningham Dance Company
De uitstapjes van meneer Broucek - Holland Festival - 1970-06-27Muziektheater1969/1970Nationaal Theater Praag
Gilgamesj - Holland Festival - 1971-06-24Mime1970/1971Pantomimetheater Tomaszewski
The Taming of The Shrew - Holland Festival - 1971-06-29Toneel1970/1971The Young Vic
Deafman Glance - Holland Festival - 1971-07-06Toneel1970/1971The Byrd Hoffman Foundation
Die Soldaten - Holland Festival - 1971-07-05Muziektheater1970/1971Deutsche Oper am Rhein
Royal Palace - Holland Festival - 1971-06-25Muziektheater1970/1971Residentie Orkest
De droom - Holland Festival - 1971-06-26Mime1970/1971Pantomimetheater Tomaszewski
Flamenco Puro - Spaanse muziek en danskunst - Holland Festival - 1971-06-26Dans1970/1971Paco Peña's Groot Flamenco Gezelschap
Gupia in de jungle - Holland Festival - 1971-06-16Toneel1970/1971Manuel de Morais
Songs from Milk Wood - Holland Festival - 1971-07-05Toneel1970/1971National Theatre of The Deaf
Divertimento nr. 15 - Holland Festival - 1971-06-17Dans1970/1971Het Nationale Ballet
Alice in Wonderland - Holland Festival - 1971-06-22Toneel1970/1971Manhattan Project
De vrouw - Holland Festival - 1971-06-26Mime1970/1971Pantomimetheater Tomaszewski
Contrasten - Holland Festival - 1971-06-17Dans1970/1971Het Nationale Ballet
Esperanza - Holland Festival - 1971-06-17Muziektheater1970/1971
Labyrint - Holland Festival - 1971-06-24Mime1970/1971Pantomimetheater Tomaszewski
Journeys - Holland Festival - 1971-07-04Toneel1970/1971National Theatre of The Deaf
Echo - Holland Festival - 1971-06-18Dans1970/1971The Dance Theatre of Alwin Nikolais
Bacchanten '71 - Holland Festival - 1971-06-16Toneel1970/1971Nederlands Theater Projekt
Woyzeck - Holland Festival - 1971-07-04Toneel1970/1971National Theatre of The Deaf
Het droomspel - Holland Festival - 1971-06-18Toneel1970/1971Dramaten, Stockholm
De mantel - Holland Festival - 1971-06-24Mime1970/1971Pantomimetheater Tomaszewski
Der Silbersee - Holland Festival - 1971-06-25Muziektheater1970/1971Residentie Orkest
Droom van een midzomernacht - Holland Festival - 1971-06-24Mime1970/1971Pantomimetheater Tomaszewski
Fables - Holland Festival - 1971-07-05Toneel1970/1971National Theatre of The Deaf
Cantate - Holland Festival - 1972-06-24Muziektheater1971/1972
De rol van mijn familie in de wereldrevolutie - Holland Festival - 1972-06-29Toneel1971/1972Ateljé 212
Antony and Cleopatra - Holland Festival - 1972-06-27Toneel1971/1972Citizens Theatre Company
I Shall Sing to Thee in the Valley of the Dead, My Beloved - Holland Festival - 1972-06-17Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Clamsbox Company - Holland Festival - 1972-06-01Toneel1971/1972
Chhau Dansen uit Bengalen - Holland Festival - 1972-06-19Dans1971/1972Chhau Dancers
Electro Bach - Holland Festival - 1972-06-30Dans1971/1972Ballets Félix Blaska
Ballets en trois mouvements - Holland Festival - 1972-06-30Dans1971/1972Ballets Félix Blaska
Danse villageoise - Holland Festival - 1972-06-30Dans1971/1972Ballets Félix Blaska
Wajang Kulit - Holland Festival - 1972-07-06Poppenspel1971/1972
Whirligogs - Holland Festival - 1972-06-17Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Sonate pour deux pianos et percussion - Holland Festival - 1972-06-30Dans1971/1972Ballets Félix Blaska
Kaïn en Abel - Holland Festival - 1972-06-26Muziektheater1971/1972Instant Composers Pool
Requiem for Sounds - Holland Festival - 1972-06-16Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Voices - Holland Festival - 1972-06-20Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Ballet pour tam-tam et percussion - Holland Festival - 1972-06-26Dans1971/1972Ballets Félix Blaska
Bachianas Brasileiras - Holland Festival - 1972-06-19Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
The Wait - Holland Festival - 1972-06-17Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Rossini en robe de chambre - Holland Festival - 1972-06-19Muziektheater1971/1972
Act without Words - Holland Festival - 1972-06-30Toneel1971/1972Anna Sokolow's Players Project
Metallics - Holland Festival - 1972-06-16Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Recital I - Holland Festival - 1972-06-24Muziektheater1971/1972
After Magritte - Holland Festival - 1972-06-30Toneel1971/1972Anna Sokolow's Players Project
Repertoire - Holland Festival - 1972-07-05Muziektheater1971/1972
Laborintus II - Holland Festival - 1972-06-24Muziektheater1971/1972
In a Clearing - Holland Festival - 1972-06-17Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Études choréographiques - Holland Festival - 1972-06-16Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Jelly Roll - Holland Festival - 1972-06-30Toneel1971/1972Anna Sokolow's Players Project
Tactil fur Drei - Holland Festival - 1972-07-05Muziektheater1971/1972
The Song of Deborah - Holland Festival - 1972-06-16Dans1971/1972Bat-Dor Dance Company
Nostalgia - Holland Festival - 1973-06-25Dans1972/1973The Louis Falco Dance Company
Landscape - Holland Festival - 1973-06-18Toneel1972/1973The Royal Shakespeare Company
Huescape - Holland Festival - 1973-06-25Dans1972/1973The Louis Falco Dance Company
Septet Extra - Holland Festival - 1973-07-02Dans1972/1973Nederlands Dans Theater
Yerma - Holland Festival - 1973-06-28Toneel1972/1973Compañia Nuria Espert
Twopenny Portrait - Holland Festival - 1973-06-25Dans1973/1974
The Louis Falco Dance Company
Caviar - Holland Festival - 1973-06-22Dans1973/1974
The Louis Falco Dance Company
A Slight Ache - Holland Festival - 1973-06-18Toneel1972/1973The Royal Shakespeare Company
Iconia Sancti Nicolaï - Holland Festival - 1973-06-16Muziektheater1972/1973
The Sleepers - Holland Festival - 1973-06-22Dans1972/1973The Louis Falco Dance Company
Mistero Buffo - Holland Festival - 1973-06-22Toneel1972/1973Internationale Nieuwe Scène
Armer Mörder - Holland Festival - 1973-06-19Toneel1972/1973Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Welfare State Theatre - Holland Festival - 1973-06-15Amusementsvorm1972/1973
Filius getronis - Holland Festival - 1973-06-16Muziektheater1972/1973
Rust-Giacometti Sculpture Garden - Holland Festival - 1973-06-22Dans1972/1973The Louis Falco Dance Company
Baader Meinhof Stuck - Holland Festival - 1974-06-11Toneel1973/1974Schauspielhaus Bochum
Two Bits - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Storeroom - Holland Festival - 1974-06-29Dans1973/1974The Louis Falco Dance Company
Triptych - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Anaendrom - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Spyrogyra - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Dispretzeled - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Balkon (pas de deux uit Romeo and Juliet) - Holland Festival - 1974-06-17Dans1973/1974The Royal Ballet
The Invitation - Holland Festival - 1974-06-17Dans1973/1974The Royal Ballet
Walklyndon - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974
Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Calico - Holland Festival - 1974-06-23Dans1973/1974Stichting Eigentijdse Dans
A Celtic Requiem - Holland Festival - 1974-06-30Muziektheater1973/1974
Tub - Holland Festival - 1974-06-29Dans1973/1974The Louis Falco Dance Company
Zwei-Mann-Orchester - Holland Festival - 1974-06-28Muziektheater1973/1974
Aubade - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Pseudopodia - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Las Hermanas - Holland Festival - 1974-06-17Dans1973/1974The Royal Ballet
L'aveu - Holland Festival - 1974-06-25Toneel1973/1974Compagnie Pierre Spivakoff
Verticella - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Cameo - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Ocellus - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Ciona - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Dans1973/1974
Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Eumelio - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Muziektheater1973/1974
Du théâtre au champ d'honneur - Holland Festival - 1974-06-25Toneel1973/1974Compagnie Pierre Spivakoff
Les rendezvous - Holland Festival - 1974-06-17Dans1973/1974The Royal Ballet
Card Game - Holland Festival - 1974-06-17Dans1973/1974The Royal Ballet
Avenue - Holland Festival - 1974-06-26Dans1973/1974The Louis Falco Dance Company
Waark - Holland Festival - 1974-06-24Toneel1973/1974Werkgroep Annemarie Prins
Concerto - Holland Festival - 1974-06-17Dans1973/1974The Royal Ballet
Exegese - Holland Festival - 1974-06-20Mime1973/1974Pantomime Theater Rob van Reijn
Much Ado About Nothing - Holland Festival - 1974-06-16Toneel1973/1974The Young Vic
Speeds - Holland Festival - 1974-06-26Dans1973/1974The Louis Falco Dance Company
Ballet Independiente de Mexico - Holland Festival - 1975-06-12Dans1974/1975Ballet Independiente de Mexico
Ballade voor grote en kleine poppen - Holland Festival - 1975-06-02Toneel1974/1975Internationale Nieuwe Scène
Kama Dev Ensemble - Holland Festival - 1975-06-04Dans1974/1975Kama Dev en Zijn Ensemble
Seelewig - Holland Festival - 1975-06-13Muziektheater1974/1975Produktieteam Utrecht
Et alors - Holland Festival - 1975-06-16Amusementsvorm1974/1975Bernard Haller
Endgame - Holland Festival - 1975-06-09Toneel1974/1975Manhattan Project
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