Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
(Doorverwezen vanaf Zwitserland)
Pagina’s in categorie "Zwitserland"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 200 pagina’s, van de 400 in totaal.
(vorige pagina) (volgende pagina)7
- A Coming Community - CAMPO - 2013-11-08
- A Juan, momentos de Don Juan Flamenco - Flamencos en Route - 1988-08-08
- A Piece Danced Alone - Alexandra Bachzetsis - 2011-08-03
- A Play for The Living in A Time of Extinction - Frascati Producties - 2022-06-17
- A Plot / A Scandal - Hebbel am Ufer - 2023-05-25
- Abfall - Peter Wyssbrod - 1974-10-09
- About Nina Simone, The Whipped Cream, The Banana and The Missing Black Cholocate - Julidans - 2011-07-10
- AccorDION - Movers - 1992-11-14
- Act - Paradiso-Melkweg Productiehuis - 2008-07-12
- Acte sans paroles - Peter Wyssbrod - 1974-02-08
- Adagietto - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Adagio - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Agnes freut sich - Teatro Fantastico - 1988-06-24
- Aias von und nach Sophocles - Holland Festival - 1990-06-25
- Aladin - Holiday on Ice Productions b.v. - 1995-11-15
- Alfa - Wunderbaum - 2024-06-20
- Alone - Remote Control Productions - 2004-09-16
- Already Made - Frascati Producties - 2011-02-15
- Als Schlemihl nach Warschau ging - Fährbetrieb - 1992-07-03
- Altemberg Lieder - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Altroïsme - Cooper & Voldo - 2022-08-25
- An Accident - A Life - Holland Dance Festival - 2024-02-02
- Antes - Alias - 2015-05-30
- Antoine, dis-moi ou? - La Rose des Vents - 1993-07-03
- Ashes - Theaterfestival Boulevard 's-Hertogenbosch - 2009-08-09
- Ashura - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2005-04-02
- Attache - Loutop - 2010-08-27
- Babel (words) - Theaterfestival Boulevard 's-Hertogenbosch - 2010-08-07
- Bacantes - Prelúdio para uma purga - SPRING Performing Arts Festival - 2017-05-18
- Badke - Les Ballets C. de la B. - 2013-11-14
- Balance - Rigolo Nouveau Cirque - 2007-08-05
- Ballet for Life - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 2002-03-06
- Banjo Circus - Franktastico - 2012-08-24
- Baustelle - Vlissingen - 1990-07-28
- Beeld en masker theater - - 1985-04-05
- Beeld en masker theater - Producent onbekend - 1985-04-05
- Before Your Very Eyes - Stichting Grand Theatre - 2011-08-18
- Bells and Spells - Victoria Thierrée Chaplin - 2021-08-31
- Beyond indifference - Tabea Martin - 2017-01-21
- Bhakti III - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Bidule - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Big Hits - GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN - 2012-08-24
- Binnen regent het niet - Toekomstland - 2014-04-12
- Bip bip bip hurrah - Revue de Lausanne (Zwitsers-Nederlandse revue) - 1958-03-29
- Black Off - Manaka Empowerment Productions - 2019-04-13
- Bleu Remix - Perceuse Productions Scènes - 2010-07-02
- Blood Kiss - Danstheater Aya - 2018-10-05
- Blue Nile to The Galaxy around Olodumare - Jeremy Nedd - 2024-08-28
- Bolero - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 2003-10-02
- Book Burning - Een verstopte geschiedenis - Kaaitheater - 2012-01-30
- Borderline Visible (Collective Experience) - Time Based Editions - 2023-11-11
- Bread and Jam - Holland Dance Festival - 2007-11-17
- Brel et Barbara - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 2003-10-02
- Cadavre exquis - Stichting Kassys - 2012-09-26
- Carambolage - Esther Fuchs & Karin Haas - 1988-10-22
- Carmen - Holland Festival - 2024-06-23
- Celebration - Tanz Lucerner Theater - 2016-02-13
- Ceramic Circus - Festival Circolo - 2024-10-23
- Change The Game - K&A - 2021-09-04
- Chaos - Mehdi Berdai - 2022-06-23
- Circus - Familie Knie - 1985-12-22
- Circus Knie - - 1986-12-18
- City-News - Objets-Fax - 1994-01-15
- CMMN SNS PRJCT - Nada Especial Tanz - 2012-10-11
- Cold Turkey - Na Kinshasa - Omsk - 2010-09-26
- Colourblind - Cie URTO - 2010-09-08
- Colours of Dance - Holiday on Ice Productions b.v. - 2001-10-25
- Con forts fleuve - Edna - 2001-06-28
- Confusion - Pierre Byland en Mareike Schnitker - 1984-09-23
- Contre-Enquêtes - Nicolas Stemann - 2022-06-14
- Crying Machine - Veem House for Performance - 2010-10-07
- Dans l'espace - Un Loup pour L'Homme - 2024-10-25
- Dans la fôret - Massimo Furlan - 2021-09-23
- Dans la mesure de l'impossible - Comédie de Genève - 2024-06-09
- Danse de nuit - Holland Festival - 2017-06-08
- Danse macabre - Martin Zimmermann - 2024-08-31
- Danse étoffée sur musique déguisée - ZOO / Thomas Hauert - 2013-03-22
- Danserye - Sebastian Matthias - 2013-05-22
- Dappere Hanna, of Jeanne d'Arppo - Festival of Fools - 1984-06-07
- Das Ungefähr - Peter Rinderknecht - 1998-02-22
- De kamer van Isabella - Needcompany - 2005-02-15
- De kersentuin (La Cerisaie) - Holland Festival - 2022-06-10
- De notenkraker - Pass Performing Arts Services - 2001-01-10
- De vuurvogel - Ballet van de XXe Eeuw - 1978-05-28
- Dear Human Animals - Soya The Cow - 3art3 - 2023-03-30
- Death and birth in my life - Mats Staub - 2020-08-14
- Death and Birth in My Life - Mats Staub - 2020-08-14
- Demain est annulé - Tabea Martin - 2023-06-07
- Depois do silêncio - Cie Vertice - Axis Productions - 2024-06-07
- Der Besuch der alten Dame - Schauspielhaus Zürich - 2022-06-10
- Der Ring des Nibelungen - Christopher Rüping - 2022-06-21
- Der Seelen erwachen - Goetheanum Bühne Dornach - 1997-11-01
- Deserve - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2010-09-24
- Dibouk - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Die 120 Tage von Sodom - Schauspielhaus Zürich - 2019-02-02
- Die Glasmenagerie - Schweizer Tournee-Theater - 1970-09-22
- Die schöne Müllerin - Schauspielhaus Zürich - 2003-06-19
- Diptych- The Missing Door And The Lost Room - Peeping Tom - 2022-05-25
- Dis-moi ou? - La Rose des Vents - 1993-07-03 Antoine
- Disabled Theatre - Jérôme Bel - 2013-07-05
- Do You Believe in Gravity? Do You Trust The Pilot? - Thomas Hauert - 2002-07-19
- Do You Know This Song? - Frascati Producties - 2023-10-17
- Don Quixote - Compagnie Philippe Saire - 1991-04-22
- Don't Clap for Crap (Not Another Shit Show) - Veem House for Performance - 2023-07-04
- Don't We Deserve Grand Human Projects That Give Us Meaning? - CAMPO - 2017-04-07
- Dragelijk - Het Zuidelijk Toneel - 2005-09-13
- Dream Season - Alexandra Bachzetsis - 2009-03-06
- Drive Your Plow over The Bones of The Dead - Holland Festival - 2023-06-01
- Duet - Kaaitheater - 2009-07-07
- Duet uit Don Quichotte - Ballet Nacional de Cuba - 1998-04-03
- Duet Zürich - Danstheater Arena - 1996-07-06
- Dumrul ile Azrail - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2001-09-10
- Dumrul ile Azrail - Theater van de Vijfde Straat - 2001-09-10
- Duo - Goetheanum Bühne Dornach - 2005-09-21
- Durch die Gartenmauer - Schweizer Theatergastspiele - 1965-03-06
- El viernes - Zomerfestijn - 1987-07-09
- Electra - Eurythmic Bühne Dornach - 1988-04-20
- Elementarteilchen - ZT Hollandia - 2004-06-05
- En dilatant les traces - Compagnie Da Motus - 2002-07-06
- En vie ... en ville - Compagnie Da Motus - 2008-06-07
- Encore - Eugénie Rebetez - 2014-04-14
- Encore - Mummenschanz - 1990-11-07
- Enfant - Musée de la Danse - 2012-06-08
- Enter My Bubble - Veem House for Performance - 2008-04-17
- Eraritjaritjaka - Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne - 2004-11-23
- Erotica - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Estación Tango - Estación Tango - 2008-10-04
- Ethereal Realms - All Fiction Is Metaphor - Dampfzentrale - 2024-05-17
- Extraventura - Holiday on Ice Productions b.v. - 1999-12-09
- Exótica - Holland Festival - 2023-06-06
- Faust - Zwitsers Toneelensemble - 1949-09-26
- Federlos - Federlos - 1991-08-24
- Fidelio - De Nationale Opera - 2024-06-05
- Field - Tabea Martin - 2014-10-18
- Fitaa Schneewittchen - Margaret Cysin - 1990-02-18
- Five Easy Pieces - CAMPO - 2016-05-26
- Forever - Tabea Martin - 2019-08-08
- Forgeries, Love and Other Matters - Damaged Goods - 2004-06-22
- Freestyle - Jajko! - 2002-06-21
- From The Museum of Sleep - Holland Festival - 1999-06-05 Genesi
- Gaieté parisienne - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Gardenia - Les Ballets C. de la B. - 2011-01-18
- Genesi, from The Museum of Sleep - Holland Festival - 1999-06-05
- Geschichte um eine Tur - - 1985-10-04
- Geschichte um eine Tur - Producent onbekend - 1985-10-04
- Gina - Verein Eugénie Rebetez - 2011-04-22
- GOPF - Metzger / Zimmermann / Deperrot - 2001-11-15
- Gratter et gagnez - Alias Company - 1994-01-15
- Gregoire - Remote Control Productions - 2004-09-16
- Groupies - White Horse - 2012-02-16
- Guerre - Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne - 2004-06-13
- Gustavia - Montpellier Danse - 2011-07-06
- Halfbreadtechnique (Postcapitalism for Beginners) - Martin Schick - 2012-07-14
- Hallo Dolly - Schweizer Tournee-Theater - 1970-03-02
- Hamlet - Meno Fortas - 1999-10-05
- Hans was Heiri - Zimmermann & De Perrot - 2013-06-13
- Hansel & Gretel - Nicole & Martin - 2023-08-19
- HarS - Bimeras - 2008-09-19
- HarS - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2008-09-19
- Hate me tender - Teresa Vittucci - 2021-11-19
- Hate Radio - Beursschouwburg Brussel - 2012-08-17
- Heidi - Kolypan - 2011-03-25
- Heinz baut - Georg Traber Produktion - 2006-08-20
- Helden - Schweizer Tournee-Theater - 1971-03-26
- Het hertenhuis - Needcompany - 2009-04-18
- Het kleine circus - Theatre L' Osiveraie - 2007-06-29
- Highway 101 - Rotterdamse Schouwburg - 2001-01-22
- Hikohki Ghumo - Georg Traber Produktion - 2009-08-14
- Hocus Pocus - Compagnie Philippe Saire - 2019-06-10
- Holiday on Stage - VZW Vooruit Kunstencentrum - 2014-07-01
- House Without A Maid - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2010-09-25
- House Without A Maid - Verein für Allgemeines Wohl - 2010-09-25
- How a Falling Star Lit Up The Purple Sky - Jeremy Nedd - 2022-08-25
- Hulk - Beursschouwburg Brussel - 2013-10-18
- I Dance Because I Do Not Trust Words - Compagnie Himé - 2017-07-08
- I Love You - Circus I Love You - 2019-05-01
- I puritani - De Nederlandse Opera - 2009-02-04
- I Went to The House But Did Not Enter - Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne - 2009-06-17
- Ibsen: Gespenster - Markus&Marcus - 2015-02-10
- Identity n'a ngai - Festival La Bâtie - 2019-04-24
- Idomeneo, re di Creta - De Nationale Opera - 2025-02-07
- If Cassandra... - Circle X Arts - 2005-05-04
- Imagerie ou reve d'Hamlet - Stichting Mickery Workshop - 1973-02-05
- In Concert - Holiday on Ice Productions b.v. - 2002-10-16
- In der stummen Stille aber reift..., mens en engel - Euritmie-ensemble Dornach - 2002-01-21
- In Spite of Wishing and Wanting - Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez - 1999-07-10
- Insaisissable - Joachim Ciocca - 2012-08-24
- Internationaal wintercircus - - 1992-12-25
- Into The Hairy - Julidans - 2023-07-06
- Introducing Scaffter & Stauffer - Le Cabinet des Curiosités - 2015-02-12
- Introduction et Rossiniana - Béjart Ballet Lausanne - 1996-03-08
- Inversion 2001 - Holland Dance Festival - 2001-11-21
- Invisible - Yan Duyvendak - 2019-08-16