Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 2 subcategorieën, van de 2 in totaal.
Pagina’s in categorie "Duitsland"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 200 pagina’s, van de 2.106 in totaal.
(vorige pagina) (volgende pagina)-
- 10 jaar Co-Lab - Via Zuid - 2025-03-22
- 100% Amsterdam - Rimini Protokoll - 2014-12-10
- 1003 Hearts, or Fragments from A Catalogue of Don Juan - Stichting Grand Theatre - 2001-10-16
- 11 O'Clock - Stuk Kunstencentrum vzw - 2022-05-11
- 12/ ... im linken Rückspiegel auf dem Parkplatz von Woolworth - Neuer Tanz - 2008-09-27
- 120sqm Dress - Thommy Kraft - 2022-10-21
- 122 x 244 And A Lot of Little Pieces - Klub Girko - 2018-10-12
- 1534 - Showcase Beat Le Mot - 2011-03-22
- 1980 - Ein Stück von Pina Bausch - Holland Festival - 1982-06-25
- A Body And Other Objects - Ana Jordão - 2023-08-26
- A Cast of Skin - Stuttgarter Ballett - 2009-05-30
- A Chorus Line - Wolfgang Bocksch Concerts - 1995-12-17
- A Coming Community - CAMPO - 2013-11-08
- A Cueda do Céu (The Fall of the Sky) - Münchener Biennale - 2010-05-29
- A Disappearing Number - Holland Festival - 2007-06-07
- A Divine Comedy - Julidans - 2022-07-22
- A European Odyssey - Het MUZtheater - 2005-09-03
- A Few Minutes of Lock - Fou Glorieux - 2012-07-09
- A Human Race - Tanzkomplizen - 2024-01-30
- A louer - Peeping Tom - 2012-02-15
- A Mary Wigman Dance Evening - Kaaitheater - 2010-03-25
- A Midsummer Night's Dream - Het MUZtheater - 2004-09-11
- A Plot / A Scandal - Hebbel am Ufer - 2023-05-25
- A Talk - Veem House for Performance - 2011-02-18
- Aarde, stok en steen - Helios Theater - 2006-02-12
- Act - Paradiso-Melkweg Productiehuis - 2008-07-12
- Act sans paroles - Bleichgesichter - 1992-03-25
- Adio... mijn liefste - Theatergroep Désirée - 1995-08-10
- Adopt A Soldier - Het MUZtheater - 2007-06-03
- African Footprint - Wolfgang Bocksch Concerts - 2005-04-12
- African Tales after Shakespeare - Nowy Teatr - 2012-09-18
- Afrika! Afrika! - André Heller - 2007-10-04
- Agrippina - De Nationale Opera - 2024-01-13
- Agua - Wuppertaler Tanztheater - 2003-06-06
- Agyptisches Totenbuch, aus Kapitel XXXVII, XXXIX und LXIV - Eurythmeum Stuttgart - 1991-06-02
- Ah oui? Pas. - Curious Nature - 2023-12-01
- Ah! Oh! A Contemporary Ritual - Kat Válastur - 2016-02-09
- AH/HA - Voetvolk - 2014-07-04
- Air Is Music - - 1994-05-19
- AKabi - Bimeras - 2007-04-25
- Al di La - Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company - 2019-05-02
- Al gran sole carico d'amore - Oper Frankfurt - 1979-06-14
- Album - Praticable - 2010-02-04
- Alice - Gauthier Dance Company - 2016-02-10
- Alice on the run - Theater Titanick - 2018-07-06
- Alie / na(c)tion - Ballett Frankfurt - 1996-06-20
- Alien Island - Nightmare Before Valentine - 2010-11-21
- Alkestis - Münchner Kammerspiele - 2002-06-07
- All Ways Six Steps - Stichting Grand Theatre - 1995-08-18
- All You Need Is Laugh - Circus Roncalli - 2010-05-22
- Alle haben sich lieb. Ein Tragödie - Schauspiel Bonn - 1999-11-03
- Allee der Kosmonauten - Stichting Grand Theatre - 1996-10-01
- Alles Plastik - Holland Festival - 1982-06-15
- Alles schöne Dinge - Schauspiel Bonn - 1999-11-03
- Alles Weitere kennen Sie aus dem Kino - Katie Mitchell - 2015-03-20
- Aloha Hé - Altrego - 2007-07-21
- Alone - Remote Control Productions - 2004-09-16
- Altruist - Toneelacademie Maastricht - 2011-06-23
- Am Brunnen - Das MondEnsemble - 1996-11-27
- Am Königsweg - Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg - 2019-11-26
- Am Ziel - Schauspielhaus Bochum - 1982-02-06
- Ama - Kölner Kästchentreffen - 2010-06-27
- Amazonas-Conference. In Expectation of The Efficienty of A Rational Method for A Solution to The Problem of Climate Change - Münchener Biennale - 2010-05-29
- Amor en Mars - Vanitas Colonia - 2022-09-10
- Amore doppio - Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci - 1997-09-03
- Amphitryon - Die Tribune - Berlin - 1970-01-19
- Amphitryon - Holland Festival - 1992-06-17
- An Accident - A Life - Holland Dance Festival - 2024-02-02
- An die Musik - Rotterdamse Schouwburg - 2000-09-01
- Anaesthesia - Nico and The Navigators - 2010-09-30
- Analog Voids - Matteo Graziano - 2013-09-06
- Anatomie Titus Fall of Rome ein Shakespearekommentar - ZT Hollandia - 2003-10-23
- And My Heart Almost Stood Still - Westflügel Leipzig - 2024-09-10
- And Then, One Thousand Years of Peace - Het Muziektheater Amsterdam - 2010-11-10
- Andorra - Zimmertheater Aachen - 1962-10-09
- Angel's Bone - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ - 2023-11-09
- Angela (A Strange Loop) - Holland Festival - 2023-06-07
- Angels in America - Holland Festival - 2006-06-15
- Angoloscuro - The Forsythe Company - 2010-06-17
- Angst - Zo - 1998-01-23
- Animal Farm - De Nationale Opera - 2023-03-03
- Anna & Otto - Danstheater Aya - 2007-10-14
- Anna Karenina - Allerdings Mit Anderem Tekst Und Auch Anderer Melodie - Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg - 2018-06-08
- Anne Frank, verstecktes Leben - Fliegendes Theater - 2005-06-26
- Another Room - Springdance - 1991-05-03
- Antibodies - Korzo producties - 2024-12-13
- Antigone - Het Huis van Bourgondië - 2008-03-12
- Antigone - Münchner Kammerspiele - 2006-04-08
- Antigone - Toneelgroep Amsterdam - 2015-04-15
- Antigone in de Amazone - NTGent - 2023-05-19
- Antonius und Cleopatra - Berliner Ensemble - 1994-06-08
- Anything Else - Stichting Grand Theatre - 1999-01-02
- AP15 - Company Wang Ramirez - 2013-07-04
- Apollo's Disciples - - 1994-01-15
- Appetite - Damaged Goods - 1999-04-23
- Apple Radio's - Audio Gruppe - 1999-06-19
- Arabella - Städtische Bühnen Münster - 1965-11-30
- Ariadne auf Naxos - Die Bühnen der Stadt Essen - 1972-05-18
- Ariadne auf Naxos - Holland Festival - 1958-07-01
- Armer Mörder - Holland Festival - 1973-06-19
- Arthur kommt vorbei - Arthur kommt vorbei - 2010-05-13
- As Long as The World Needs A Warrior's Soul - Troubleyn / Jan Fabre - 2000-12-19
- As You Like It - Holland Festival - 2010-06-02
- As You Like It! - Tanzbühne und Projecttheater - 1997-10-09
- Ashes - Theaterfestival Boulevard 's-Hertogenbosch - 2009-08-09
- Ask Little Auto where It Wants to Take You - MusikFabrik - 1999-10-23
- Ast im Auge - Jana Unmüssig - 2011-04-19
- Asylum - Springdance - 2001-04-25
- At The Shores of The Rhine - Kölner Kästchentreffen - 2005-06-22
- Atmen - Katie Mitchell - 2015-03-09
- Audio Ballerinas - Audio Gruppe - 2006-09-21
- Audio Peacocks - Audio Gruppe - 2006-09-21
- Audio-Kimono's - Audio Gruppe - 1999-06-18
- Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny - Die Deutschen Kammerspiele - 1970-01-23
- Augenblicke - Stichting Danslab - 1991-04-30
- Aurum 79 - Grotest Maru - 2004-07-02
- Aus der Fremde - Holland Festival - 1980-06-11
- Ausgespielt Spielen - Stichting Mickery Workshop - 1975-11-05
- Autoplay - Moritz Ostruschsnjak - 2021-05-24
- Baader Meinhof Stuck - Holland Festival - 1974-06-11
- Babel (words) - Theaterfestival Boulevard 's-Hertogenbosch - 2010-08-07
- Bacantes - Prelúdio para uma purga - SPRING Performing Arts Festival - 2017-05-18
- Bacchanten - ZT Hollandia - 2002-06-18
- Back to The Present - Constanza Macras - 2006-06-30
- Balagan - Fliegende Bauten - 2007-10-19
- Ballade - Ballets Jooss - 1935-10-28
- Ballade for A Little Blaskapelle - Lara Epp - 2022-10-21
- Ballet Nr. 5... to Dance by The Nose - Neuer Tanz - 1994-11-24
- Ballodsinn, oder wenn Balle aus der Rolle fallen - Unima Poppentheater Festival - 1991-03-18
- Banana - Holland Festival - 1980-06-07
- Bang - Hanneke van der Paardt - 2024-10-24
- Bare Back Lying - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2006-03-31
- Bare Back Lying - Theaterhaus Gessnerallee - 2006-03-31
- Base - Made in Berlin - Base Berlin - 2012-04-04
- Basse danse - Stichting Grand Theatre - 2011-09-24
- Beach - Keulen Tanz-Forum - 1992-09-22
- Beach - Tanzforum Köln - 1992-09-22
- Beauty & the beast - Enis Turan - 2017-09-16
- BecomingSLUG - Thommy Kraft - 2025-03-29
- Beef! - The Beefcake Boys - 2008-05-17
- Before Nightfall - BallettMainz - 2001-11-25
- Before Your Very Eyes - Stichting Grand Theatre - 2011-08-18
- Believe It or Not - Meekers Uitgesproken Dans - 2006-10-15
- Belsazar - Düsseldorfer Altstadt Herbst - 1999-11-03
- Ben Anadolu - Tiyatrom - 2000-03-11
- Bende gala - Circusbende - 2022-09-02
- Benjamin en de wonderkussens - Speeltheater Holland - 2011-10-23
- Benjamin und die Wunderkissen - Speeltheater Holland - 2011-09-18
- Beren - Wunderbaum - 2022-02-19
- Berlin-Jaffa Shortcut - De De Dance Company - 2007-11-06
- Berliner Aktionenabend - Producent onbekend - 1982-06-28
- Berliner Autorenabend - Producent onbekend - 1982-06-29
- Beside the Scenes- The 20th Century - Hofmann&Lindholm - 2015-05-29
- Between Amateurs - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2007-01-31
- Between Amateurs - Theaterhaus Gessnerallee - 2007-01-31
- Beytna - Maqamat Dance Theatre - 2017-07-07
- Biedermann und die Brandstifter - Kleines Theater Bad Godesberg - 1967-01-16
- Big 3rd Episode (Happy / End) - Superamas - 2006-08-17
- Big Bang - De Internationale Keuze van de Rotterdamse Schouwburg - 2010-10-02
- BIG Episode 2 - Superamas - 2005-04-20
- Big Hits - GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN - 2012-08-24
- Bildnis des Don Quichote - Holland Festival - 1961-07-01
- Bin es noch immer - Das Neue Theater - 2000-10-14
- Biografie - Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus - 1968-06-16
- Birds with Skymirrors - Holland Festival - 2011-06-03
- Biyaku - Opus Furore - 2003-06-20
- Black Bismarck - deSingel - 2014-02-18
- Black Tie - Rimini Protokoll - 2009-05-24
- Blaubart - Holland Festival - 1978-06-04
- Blauwe dromen van grijze vrouwen - Naar - 2001-04-27
- Blessed - Damaged Goods - 2007-09-21
- Blite - Cie. BK - 2006-06-24
- Bloody Mess - Forced Entertainment Theatre Cooperative - 2004-09-17
- Bloody Mess - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2004-09-17
- Blue Nile to The Galaxy around Olodumare - Jeremy Nedd - 2024-08-28
- Blümchen - Audio Gruppe - 1999-06-19
- Boing! Die Deutsche Comedyshow - Marvin Spencer - 2024-02-28