Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
Pagina’s in categorie "Noorwegen"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 157 pagina’s, van de 157 in totaal.
- A Dance Tribute to The Art of Football - Jo Stromgren Kompani - 2011-03-24
- A Meeting with Sofie - Impure Company - 2006-03-10
- A Midsummer Night's Dream - Het MUZtheater - 2004-09-11
- A True Story - 71BODIES - 2023-08-12
- Ab jetzt III oder Germania Tod in Berlin based on Germania Tod in Berlin by BAK-Truppen - Deutschland in Europa in Duitsland - 1992-02-26
- Adishatz / Adieu - Jonathan Capdevielle - 2014-05-17
- ALL OVER / ALT NÅ - Dansens Hus - 2024-09-27
- Amputasjon - Thesbyteateret - 1976-05-11
- As if Your Death Was Your Longest Sneeze Ever - Springdance / works - 2003-04-19
- B&K 4-ever - Bunnyhead Productions - 2018-10-25
- Batty Bwoy - Harald Beharie - 2023-05-26
- Beyond - Springdance - 2007-04-20
- BEyond The Face - The Line - 2010-07-02
- Big Boys Don't Cry - Opposable Thumb Theatre - 2023-04-01
- BIG Episode 2 - Superamas - 2005-04-20
- Billy, Sally, Jerry and The .38 Gun - KVS - 2012-03-16
- Blanks - Dansateliers - 2017-02-23
- Book Burning - Een verstopte geschiedenis - Kaaitheater - 2012-01-30
- BR.
- BR.-04 Bruxelles / Brussel - Romeo Castellucci - 2005-09-10
- But What's It All about - Ole Mads Vevle - 2004-02-26
- Bérénice - Toneelspelersgezelschap STAN - 2005-06-02
- I Have A Secret to Tell You (Please) Leave with Me - Zero Visibility Corp. - 2009-02-13
- I/IK/EG - De Toneelmakerij - 2013-03-14
- Ik ben de wind - National Theatret Oslo - 2010-06-15
- In first person- the playroom - Daniel Mariblanca - 2021-11-19
- In other words - Ingrid Berger Myhre - 2021-05-21
- In Other Words - Ingrid Berger Myhre - 2021-05-21
- Into The Open - Voetvolk - 2022-04-21
- Iris, pupil, retina - Frascati Producties - 2022-11-10
- Malediction - DPPD Duda Paiva Puppetry and Dance - 2008-10-30
- Maniacs - Ulrike Quade Company - 2015-09-16
- Manila Zoo - Eisa Jocson - 2022-05-21
- Me too - Kristin Helgebostad - 2017-10-28
- Me, me and me - Th'line - 2018-04-20
- Meneer Mølsk - Etienne Borgers - 2010-09-22
- Menopas magische spoorshow - Teater Fusentast - 1996-07-17
- Miss - LOD VZW - 2022-09-27
- Mister E. in Concert - Etienne Borgers - 2013-01-20
- Monument 0.10- The Living Monument - Carte Blanche - 2024-07-05
- Munch en Van Gogh - de schreeuw van de zonnebloem - Ulrike Quade Company - 2013-10-19
- My Twisted World - De Utvalgte - 2023-08-17
- Panflutes and Paperwork - Dansateliers - 2019-02-20
- Panflutes And Paperwork - Dansateliers - 2019-02-20
- Pas de deux -1 - Constructing Love - Milla Koistinen - 2023-05-19
- Pearls - Theater Rotterdam - 2024-06-11
- Peer Gynt - Det Norske Teatret - 1949-11-23
- Peer Gynt - Norske Riksteatret - 1960-11-20
- Peer Gynt - Teater Fusentast - 1992-07-17
- Pli à pli - Bergen Internasjonale Teater - 1999-04-15
- PoY! - Opera Omnia - 2001-09-10
- Project NO - Hooman Sharifi - 2007-04-20
- PUNCH!: The Surprised Body Project - Dansmakers Amsterdam - 2011-12-10
- Sacrifice While Lost in Salted Earth - Julidans - 2022-07-05
- Satan - Frascati Producties - 2024-01-31
- Schreibstück - Springdance / works - 2003-04-21
- Seek Bromance - SPRING Performing Arts Festival - 2021-11-25
- Shadows Remain Silent - Carte Blanche - 2015-04-21
- Sideshow - Pain Solution - 2018-08-24
- Skuggar (Shadows) - De Utvalgte - 2010-08-27
- Sleeping Boys - Collage Dansekompani Oslo - 1988-05-06
- Soil Girl - Berstad/Helgebostad/Wigdel - 2015-04-10
- Some Use for Broken Claypots - Kaaitheater - 2014-03-13
- Sound of Freedom - Amund Sjolie Sveen - 2013-08-23
- Spelling Spectacle - Dansateliers - 2024-05-25
- Spoiler - Berstad/Helgebostad/Wigdel - 2017-09-13
- Still Life - Julidans - 2024-07-13
- Still Not Still - Hebbel am Ufer - 2023-05-25
- Storebjorn - Riss Dansekompani - 1992-10-22
- Story, Story, Die - Winter Guests - 2019-07-02
- Studio Cité - Terschellings Oerol - 2022-05-10
- Suddenly, Anyway, Why All This? While I... - Hooman Sharifi - 2001-04-28
- Super Per - BAK-truppen - 1994-07-28
- Tanzung - CAMPO - 2010-10-16
- Terminal - Christoph de Boeck - 2003-02-26
- The Art of Being Tamed - De Utvalgte - 2012-08-23
- The Basement - Theater Rotterdam - 2024-11-17
- The Brig - Thesbyteateret - 1976-05-19
- The Convent - Jo Stromgren Kompani - 2008-04-12
- The Dancing Public - SPRING Performing Arts Festival - 2022-05-13
- The dead live on in our dreams - Impure Company - 2019-11-15
- The Department - Jo Stromgren Kompani - 2006-08-19
- The Desert is Growing - Hooman Sharifi - 2007-04-26
- The History of Korean Western Theatre - CAMPO - 2021-05-25
- The Hospital - Jo Stromgren Kompani - 2007-08-23
- The Inner Voice / I Am Big - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2005-09-13
- The Odyssey - Toneelacademie Maastricht - 2016-06-29
- The Power (of) The Fragile - VZW Vooruit Kunstencentrum - 2022-07-15
- The Solitary Shame Announced by A Piano - Bergen Internasjonale Teater - 1999-04-15
- The Surprised Body Project - Dansmakers Amsterdam - 2011-12-10
- The Syncopators - Fiksdal Dans Stiftelse - 2024-05-24
- Then Such Silence Since The Cries Were Last Heard - Hooman Sharifi - 2003-02-26
- Thought/i - Erikk Mckenzie - 2010-07-02
- Titranic - Teater Fusentast - 2003-07-05
- To Be Means To Resist What You Are Not - Impure Company - 2023-09-29
- To Come (Extended) - Mette Ingvartsen - 2018-05-17
- Tornerose - Teater Fusentast - 1997-07-15
- Tribute to Me - Martijn Dirk Joling - 2023-11-25
- We Failed to Hold This Reality in Mind - Springdance - 2005-04-22
- When the Fiddle Calls - Noors Danstheater - 1961-10-07
- When We Dead Awake - BAK-truppen - 1991-03-10
- While they are floating - Carte Blanche - 2018-07-05
- While They Are Floating - Carte Blanche - 2018-07-05
- While We Are Here - CAMPO - 2024-12-11
- Why All This? While I... - Hooman Sharifi - 2001-04-28 Suddenly Anyway