Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
Pagina’s in categorie "Finland"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 106 pagina’s, van de 106 in totaal.
- A Trip - Tommi Kitti & Co - 2011-07-08
- Absolut Enjoyment - Tanssiteatteri Minimi - 2011-08-27
- Accordion Wrestling - Kimma Pohjonen - 2012-06-18
- African Tales after Shakespeare - Nowy Teatr - 2012-09-18
- Alamaa-miehen tie - Jaap Klevering - 1997-10-04
- Aniara - fragments of time and space - The Crossing Choir - 2019-07-03
- Answer Me - Dood Paard - 2010-09-13
- Arena - Unima Poppentheater Festival - 1989-05-14
- Around - Race Horse Company - 2017-05-06
- Balkonscène uit Romeo and Juliet - Finnish National Ballet - 1998-04-03
- Blab - Veem House for Performance - 2017-12-21
- Blonde - Paula Tuovinen - 2001-10-30
- Borrowed Light - Tero Saarinen Company - 2011-05-19
- Breathe - Milla Koistinen - 2024-05-25
- Bruce and More - Zodiak - Center For New Dance - 2009-11-24
- Dance Me to The End on/off Love - Granhoj Dans - 2011-07-07
- Dance with Me to The End on/off Love - Granhoj Dans - 2011-07-07
- Danses Concertantes - Theaterschool - 2000-06-26
- Digger Dog - Kenneth Kvarnström & Co - 1993-05-07
- Digital duende - Jyrki Karttunen - 2009-11-28
- Dramatic Miniatures - Zodiak - Center For New Dance - 2011-12-15
- Feel My Breath - Stichting Grand Theatre - 2002-10-29
- Flowers - Flower Arrangements - Jenni Kivelä - 2003-07-08
- Focus - The Theatre Academy of Finland - 2004-06-22
- For Those Who Have Time - Maija Hirvanen - 2014-05-23
- For Those Who Have Time - Zodiak - Center For New Dance - 2014-05-23
- Fragile - Stichting Grand Theatre - 2001-09-18
- Gaia - Finse Nationale Opera - 2001-10-26
- Gertha Is Back - Netta Warga - 1998-01-31
- Glenn- The Things We Don't Speak about - Erik Sjøholm - 2022-11-06
- Gorgeous Gavin - Company Simo Kellokumpu - 2007-07-13
- Green Green - Department of Dance - 2006-06-26
- Green Oak - Finnish National Ballet - 2007-07-13 Trickle
- Maa - Crossing The Great Waters - Finnish National Ballet - 1993-05-11
- Mabel or The Queen of The Bones - Zodiak - Center For New Dance - 2009-11-19
- Magic Box - Raatikkoo Tanssiteatteri - 1994-10-15
- Man in A Room - Tero Saarinen Company - 2005-09-17
- Me-Me - Dance Theatre Auraco - 2010-04-10
- Minivision - Helsinki Theatre Academy - 2002-06-21
- Mosh Split - Sisus Sirkus - 2018-08-24
- On Command, Naturally - The Theatre Academy of Finland - 2004-06-22
- On Ice - Zodiak - Center For New Dance - 2011-12-15
- One Woman Show - Stichting Mickery Workshop - 1979-05-01
- Onks sulta jokin paikka hukassa? - Turku Polytechnic Arts Academy - 2005-05-22
- Orkestar Strada - Orkestar Strada - 2011-08-26
- Out of The Blue - Ismo-Pekka Heikinheimo - 1996-01-13
- Shear Strain - Turku Polytechnic Arts Academy - 2005-05-25
- Shenanigans (lange versie) - Jam Shenanigans - 2024-05-03
- Silence of The Light - Q-Group - 1999-11-13
- So I Stuck My Finger in His Eye... - Kenneth Kvarnström & Co - 1993-05-07 ...That Was All I Wanted
- Sold out (Loppuunmyyty) - Zodiak - Center For New Dance - 2008-03-29
- Suomi Tuulen Poika = Zoon van de wind - Internationaal Theaterfestival Out of Frames - 1991-09-16
- Super Sunday - Race Horse Company - 2014-08-24
- Taboo Boo And The Forbinnen Lemon Fruits - Milla Virtanen - 2009-02-07
- Ten Feet - Raatikkoo Tanssiteatteri - 1992-10-23
- The artist - Circo Aereo - 2019-11-06
- The Grace of Trace - A Professional of Beauty - The Theatre Academy of Finland - 2004-06-22
- The Green - WHS - 2024-11-03
- The Odyssey - Toneelacademie Maastricht - 2016-06-29
- The Pianist - Circo Aereo - 2015-09-26
- The Receptionists - STET - 2024-01-27
- The Wasteland - United Cowboys - 2016-09-02
- Three Fingers Below The Knee - Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg) - 2012-09-28
- Three Men from The North - The Nordic Council - 2019-05-04
- Toads and Diamonds - Netta Warga - 1999-04-17
- Too Many Voices for One - The Theatre Academy of Finland - 2004-06-25
- Triad - Fontys Dans Festival - 2003-05-22
- Trickle, Green Oak - Finnish National Ballet - 2007-07-13
- Twirling World - Johanna Tuukkanen - 2011-12-15