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Random Collision is een internationale dansorganisatie, gevestigd in Groningen.

Zie de beschrijving op info pagina van hun Facebook.:

Random Collision is an international organization based in Groningen, The Netherlands. The company was founded with the goal to develop, support and expose promising artists in the field of choreography who are at the beginning of their careers. Random Collision does this in a unique way involving the public in this process. The main focus at Random Collision is to facilitate high quality art in collaboration and exchange with the public.

Random Collision is a dance company that focuses on contemporary choreographers. The initiative arises from the need for an environment for beginning choreographers, where they are able to express, explore and exchange creative ideas. Random Collision provides a creative surrounding in which they are able to research their personal style of movement and focus on their own choreographies. In addition, the company stimulates and challenges the creators to collaborate with artists from different disciplines. In addition, Random Collision involves the choreographers in the production and promotion side of the business. Along these lines they discover their artistic niche in the field and learn how to organize their own projects for the future. Furthermore, Random Collisions engages the public in the creative process via studio presentations and by organizing classes, workshops and jam sessions.


Een chronologisch en daaronder een link naar een alfabetisch overzicht van de voorstellingen die onder deze naam als producent, al of niet in samenwerking met andere producenten, in Nederland te zien zijn geweest, voor zover geregistreerd in de productiedatabase

A Voice in The Wilderness - Random Collision - 2007-08-19
Fragments of A Minor Shift - Random Collision - 2007-08-19
Love's Goddess Sure Is Blind - Random Collision - 2007-08-19
My Sweet Little Fur - Random Collision - 2007-08-19
Kinky Love 4 - Random Collision - 2007-08-19
Behind The Clothes - Random Collision - 2007-08-19
Sub Way - Random Collision - 2008-02-21
My J.O.Y. - Random Collision - 2008-02-28
Blink - Random Collision - 2008-06-06
Spleen - Random Collision - 2008-09-19
You Are - Random Collision - 2008-09-19
Edna The Great - Starring Edna Ben-Dover - Random Collision - 2008-10-23
Big Enough Box - Random Collision - 2009-08-23
Adar - Random Collision - 2009-09-19
Who Wants to Be There - Random Collision - 2010-05-28
Girl Bites Hand - Random Collision - 2010-05-28
Do Not Press - Random Collision - 2010-06-18
Gangtrafik - Random Collision - 2010-11-26
... (On The Inside) - Random Collision - 2011-01-28
Blank Paper - Random Collision - 2011-04-17
Meetings With A - Random Collision - 2011-04-17
Vis-à-vis, Meetings with A - Random Collision - 2011-04-17
Stew of Mollusks - Random Collision - 2011-04-27
Hunger - Random Collision - 2011-06-04
All There Is - Random Collision - 2012-05-04
All of it - Random Collision - 2012-05-04
An Opus for Seven Generations - Random Collision - 2012-05-04
Endless Pleasure of Return - Random Collision - 2012-05-04
A2-animals - Random Collision - 2012-09-28
Aurora - Random Collision - 2012-09-28
Crows Nest - Random Collision - 2013-05-11
How to be/loved - Random Collision - 2013-05-11
Vaval - Random Collision - 2013-05-11
Experiment B - Random Collision - 2014-08-21
The Free Builders - Random Collision - 2015-11-01
