Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
Pagina’s in categorie "Zuid-Afrika"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 200 pagina’s, van de 288 in totaal.
(vorige pagina) (volgende pagina).
- A Face Like Mine - Asanda Phewa - 2010-09-22
- A Kiss on Your Koeksister - - 1990-08-28
- A Spring (Two) Matter - Stichting Jens van Daele - 2012-08-30
- A1 - Dogtroep - 1997-03-29
- Action! - Wurre Wurre - 2000-07-12
- Adapt or Dye! - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1988-08-25
- African Spring - Moving Into Dance - 1993-12-04
- Afrikaaps - Stichting The Glasshouse - 2011-09-30
- Afrikan Party - Ajuntament de Terrassa - 2023-10-06
- Afriqueer - Warren Nebe - 2017-09-29
- After Tears - Sello Pesa - 2009-07-06
- Air- Umoya - DOX - 2016-10-05
- Amaqhawe - Sibonelo Dance project - 2019-10-03
- An Audience with Evita Bezuidenhout - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1991-11-21
- An Audience with Miss Thandi - Afro Vibes - 2000-06-07
- And so you see... our honourable blue sky and ever enduring sun... can only be consumed slice by slice - Robyn Orlin - 2017-07-04
- And The Girls in Their Sunday Dresses - The Market Theatre - 2012-09-26
- At Her Feet - Nadia Davids & Quanita Adams - 2004-10-03
- At The Same Time We Were Pointing A Finger at You, We Realized We Were Pointing Three at Ourselves... - Robyn Orlin - 2014-07-10
- Baby Tshepang - Lara Foot Newton - 2003-06-26
- Back - Forgotten Angle Theatre Collaborative - 2008-10-03
- Back - PJ Sabbagha - 2018-10-05
- Barena - Vincent Sekwati Mantsoe - 2000-09-22
- Beautiful - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2007-07-05
- Beautiful Me - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2007-11-06
- Beautiful Me - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2019-06-11
- Between Us - Forgotten Angle Theatre Collaborative - 2013-11-14
- Big Dada - Third World Bunfight - 2001-06-20
- Biko's Quest - JazzArt - 2014-10-08
- Black Notice - Ntando Cele - 2014-10-09
- Black Privilege - Mamela Nyamza - 2023-10-04
- Black tie - missionary position - Lesiba Mabutseka - 2018-10-05
- Black, Brave & Beautiful - Abafazi - 2019-03-13
- Blind mass orchestra - João Renato Orecchia Zúñiga - 2019-06-07
- Blue Blood - Gregory Maqoma - 2010-09-22
- Blue Nile to The Galaxy around Olodumare - Jeremy Nedd - 2024-08-28
- Body of Evidence - Siwela Sonke Dance Theatre - 2010-06-11
- Boesak! - Marlo Minnaar - 2023-11-25
- Bopha! - Earth Players - 1987-04-21
- Bum - Napo Masheane - 2006-09-27
- Bupiro Mukiti - Vincent Sekwati Mantsoe - 2002-09-12
- Chandelier - Steven Cohen - 2009-06-06
- Cion; Requiem of Ravel's Bolero - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2019-06-21
- Couched - Figure of Eight Dance Collective-Kaapstad - 2015-10-07
- Crazy in Love - A Conspiracy of Clowns - 2014-09-05
- Cry The Beloved Country - Victory Sonqoba Theatre Company - 1996-11-10
- Cut!! - Floating Outfit Project - 2005-04-16
- Daddy, I've Seen This Piece Six Times before and I Still Don't Know Why They're - Robyn Orlin - 2000-04-18
- Dancing Inside Out - Steven Cohen - 2009-06-06
- Dans en theater tegen apartheid - Amandla - 1988-06-07 Muziek
- Dark Cell - Themba Mbuli - 2014-10-08
- De-apart-hate - Mamela Nyamza - 2017-09-29
- Dear Mrs. Steyn - Wylna Snyman - 2003-02-27
- Defence of A Less Good Idea - The Centre for The Less Good Idea - 2019-06-07
- Dekaffirnated - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1999-08-31
- Desperate First Ladies - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 2011-11-05
- Die beste medisyne - Casper de Vries Produksies - 2006-11-13
- Die spel van wit en swart - Breughel Teater Groep - 1993-10-14
- Double U - Stichting Le Grand Cru - 2004-11-05
- Drums & Dreams - Matsemela Manaka - 1993-11-25
- Dying Swan - Ballet Theatre Afrikan - 2001-11-27
- Elegy - Gabrielle Goliath - 2019-10-06
- Encounters - Algulhas Theatre Works - 2006-09-26
- Enyangeni - William Kentridge - 2019-06-08
- Evita Bezuidenhout en de kaaskopmaatjes - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1998-12-07 Pieter-Dirk Uys
- Exit/Exists - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2012-07-12
- Expectant - Rust Co-Operative - 2013-11-14
- Extract of XS'2 - Ntsoana Contemporary Dance Theatre - 2008-10-02
- Extracts of Abstracts - Ballet Theatre Afrikan - 2001-11-27
- Ghoema - Kramer & Petersen - 2007-09-25
- Giselle - Dada Masilo - 2019-03-12
- Going down Gorgeous - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1998-12-06
- Golgotha - Steven Cohen - 2009-06-06
- Gula (vogel) - Moving Into Dance - 1993-12-04
- Gula - Vincent Sekwati Mantsoe - 2001-10-25
- Gula Matari - Moving Into Dance - 1993-12-04
- Gula matari - Moving Into Dance - 1996-10-16
- Gumboot Dance - Rishile Traditional Dancers - 1993-11-30
- Gumboots - Future Artists Empowerment - 2005-03-22
- Hanano Blessing of The Earth - Moving Into Dance - 1996-10-16
- Hatched - Mamela Nyamza - 2013-11-14
- Hatched Ensemble - Mamela Nyamza - 2024-05-20
- Have You Seen Zandile? - The Market Theatre - 1988-09-21
- He Left Quietly - Yael Farber - 2002-12-05
- Here To There - Koleka Putuma - 2018-10-05
- Hier's ek weer - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1995-06-15
- Hol - Artscape - 2012-09-05
- Hoot - Matthew Ribnick - 2006-09-27
- How a Falling Star Lit Up The Purple Sky - Jeremy Nedd - 2022-08-25
- Hullo, Bu bye, Koko, Come in - Koleka Putuma - 2024-10-03
- I've Seen This Piece Six Times before and I Still Don't Know Why They're - Robyn Orlin - 2000-04-18 Daddy
- ID's Please - Hush Hush Hush - 2004-11-18
- If Our Ancestors Could Speak - SboNdaba Dance Company - 2023-10-13
- Il ritorno d'Ulisse - Handspring Puppet Company - 1998-06-22
- Illusive - Stuart Lightbody - 2013-09-12
- Imakishini = In mijn keuken - Sadwu - 1993-09-25
- Imperfect Draft1 - Novelty - 2010-09-08
- Improvisatie - Vincent Sekwati Mantsoe - 2000-09-22
- In a world full of butterflies, it takes balls to be a caterpillar... some thoughts on falling - Robyn Orlin - 2017-10-06
- In The Ghetto - South African Musical Group - 2007-04-03
- Inception - Moving Into Dance - 2012-09-26
- Influx Controls- I Wanna Be - Floating Outfit Project - 2010-04-17
- Isidlamlilo (The Fire Eater) - Empatheatre - 2023-08-17
- It's A Man's World - Theatergroep Siberia - 2009-01-15
- Itsoseng - Richard Jordan Productions Ltd. - 2013-11-15
- Kapa-zoon Kapa-planet - ISH - 2010-06-12
- Karonano - Inzalo Dance & Theatre Company - 2008-07-11
- Ke Nako - It Is Time - Soweto Dance Theatre - 1999-05-20
- Ketima - Gregory Maqoma - 2004-09-29
- Ketima - Johannesburg Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2016-10-05
- Ketima - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2016-10-05
- Kganya - Lulu Mhlangeni - 2022-10-08
- Kiss! The Woman - Peter Hayes - 2010-09-23
- Korreltjie kantel - Iluminar productions - 2019-10-22
- Kotulo - Bafutsana Players - 1993-11-30
- Krummelpap - Garage dance company - 2021-09-30
- Macbeth - KVS - 2014-05-19
- Maid in South Africa - Steven Cohen - 2009-06-06
- Malopo Dance & Poetry - Medumo Dance Company - 1997-09-03
- Mama! - Civic Theatre Johannesburg - 1995-06-25
- MedEia - Third World Bunfight - 2012-10-13
- Messen in hennen - Toneelgroep De Appel - 2011-03-11
- Miss Thandi - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2002-06-14
- Molora - Wereld Muziektheater Festival - 2008-03-07
- Monk - Fred Abels - 2006-06-17
- Mother to Mother - Free Voice Productions - 2012-09-24
- Motswa Hole - Vincent Sekwati Mantsoe - 2001-10-25
- Mupaku - Thesele C.S. - 2003-06-14
- Muziek, dans en theater tegen apartheid - Amandla - 1988-06-07
- My wereld - Casper de Vries Produksies - 2005-08-27
- Mzobane - Via Volcano - 2010-09-23
- Oh Africa! - Izi Dumo - 2001-03-22
- One Man, One Volt - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1994-05-07
- One Volt - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1994-05-07 One Man
- Onowaly-O- African Stories - Nick Leslie - 1994-03-11
- Onowaly-O- African Stories - Thandi Vilakazi - 1994-03-11
- Onowaly-O: African Stories - Nick Leslie - 1994-03-11
- Onowaly-O: African Stories - Thandi Vilakazi - 1994-03-11
- Orfeus - Third World Bunfight - 2009-06-16
- Ouma Ossewania praat vuil! - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1998-06-27
- Out of Bounds - Rajesh Gopie - 2003-03-28
- Page 27 - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2015-10-07
- Pass on The Sport - Moshe Moses Mabowe - 2003-12-19
- Paths of Sound - Moving Into Dance - 1993-12-04
- Phoenix rose - Manaka Empowerment Productions - 2021-10-01
- Phokwane - Vincent Sekwati Mantsoe - 2000-09-22
- Pieter-Dirk Uys, Evita Bezuidenhout en de kaaskopmaatjes - Pieter-Dirk Uys - 1998-12-07
- Pig headed - Gavin Krastin - 2017-09-28
- Pina - Kwanele Finch Thusi - 2022-10-06
- Point of View - Inzalo Dance & Theatre Company - 2000-04-19
- Princess Magogo - Gastprogrammering Het Muziektheater - 2006-05-13
- Rainbow Scars - Artscape - 2014-10-09
- Re-Imagining Heroes - ISH - 2014-10-11
- Red Earth Revisited - Speeltheater Holland - 2015-11-04
- Requiem request - Gregory Maqoma - 2019-06-07
- Rhythm 1.2.3. - Gregory Maqoma - 2000-04-21
- Rhythm Blues - Vuyani Dance Theatre - 2001-11-15
- Rode aarde - Speeltheater Holland - 2007-06-13
- Rollin' Rumour - Odd Enjinears - 2002-06-15
- Rona - Floating Outfit Project - 2000-04-20
- Roots! - Bos Theaterproducties - 2023-10-31
- Safari - Third World Bunfight - 2002-03-09
- Sakhosi Says ‘Non’ To The Venus - Nelisiwe Xaba - 2021-10-01
- Salaam - Ashraf Johaardien - 2008-10-01
- Same but Different - Inzalo Dance & Theatre Company - 2002-07-11
- Sarafina! - The Music of Liberation - Committed Artists - 1989-08-09
- Second Choices - Festival of Fools - 1984-06-06
- Seven - Soweto Skeleton Movers - 2018-08-30
- Shrimps - Melkweg Theater - 2007-04-13
- Siembamba - Rust Co-Operative - 2014-09-05
- Sikulu Festival Party! - Limburgs Straattheater Festival - 1992-08-26
- Sikulu, The Warrior - Sikulu-Company - 1991-08-06
- Sizwe Bansi is dead - John Kani & Winston Ntshona - 1974-11-04
- Sizwe Bansi Is Dead - Stagedoor Festival - 1987-11-03
- Skierlik - Dikotla Originals - 2014-10-08
- Solomon's Pride - Bheki Mkhwane - 1998-05-24
- Solve 4 X - Inzalo Dance & Theatre Company - 2000-04-17
- Somehow Delightful - Gregory Maqoma - 2004-09-23
- Sometimes It Helps to Have The Right Accessories - Tracey Human - 2001-11-23
- Songs of Migration - The Market Theatre - 2012-10-06