Categorie:Premieres Muiderpoorttheater, Amsterdam
Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
Zie ook Muiderpoorttheater, Amsterdam
Pagina’s in categorie "Premieres Muiderpoorttheater, Amsterdam"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 200 pagina’s, van de 393 in totaal.
(vorige pagina) (volgende pagina)"
- A Method for Talking My Kit Off - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-06-18
- A Scheme for Making Love - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-05-26
- A Way of The Dragon (A Frame for Waking New Clear Balance) - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-11-27
- A-Live - Aharona Israel - 2003-12-20
- Afslag - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-06-24
- Akapro -10 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-09-10
- Alice's Island - Muiderpoorttheater - 2011-02-04
- All Of This Will Be Lost to Memory - Muiderpoorttheater - 2010-04-11
- All of Us (Girls) Have Been Dead for So Long - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-09-02
- All What She Is... Does - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-10-17
- Alles koenst, potpourri - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-05-06
- Alo-dovar (For Nothing) - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-10-10
- Alone and together - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-12-10
- Always Look at The Sea - Muiderpoorttheater - 2010-04-11
- Amid A Blooming Space - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-05-30
- And Then He Flies - Factotum - 2003-04-25
- Angst essen Seele auf / Fear Eats Soul - Muiderpoorttheater - 2010-10-02
- Anhelo / Verlangen - Dimension4 Theatre - 2011-09-25
- Appendix - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-05-16
- Apples and Hearts - Stichting DasArts - 2005-06-23
- Armeens-Turkse volksdans - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-12-18
- Au bain marie - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-12-20
- Awakening - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-05-30
- Bakermat - Binnenlands Theater - 1992-02-23
- Balance - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-01-13
- Bantaba - Tam Tam d'Afrique - 1999-11-06
- Be Careful What You Wish for (You Might Get It) - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-12-03
- Be My Guest - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-12-16
- Beautiful Watcher - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-11-02
- Bellydance Fusion - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-11-14
- Betty bloost - Theatergroep Gift - 1996-02-25
- Bharatanatyam - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-02-02
- Blauw stuk - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-02-03
- Blokje - Mat Voorter - 1998-01-24
- Blue Boy - Samadhi Dance Company - 2007-03-16
- Blue**Disco - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-11-21
- Body Sounds Body Beats - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-12-18
- Bog Feature - Factotum - 2003-05-21
- BOX13 - Push Me. I Want to Fall - Toneelgroep Mittens - 2012-08-31
- BOX13 - Toneelgroep Mittens - 2012-08-31
- Breaking The Circle - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-02-16
- Breath of Life - Muiderpoorttheater - 2011-04-06
- Bruiloft - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-02-03
- Bruised Fruit - Stichting DasArts - 2004-09-17
- Brume et Crachin - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-06-12
- Buck in The USSR - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-10-23
- Buikdansen - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-12-18
- Cairo con Cádiz - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-12-19
- Call-Active - Muiderpoorttheater - 2011-10-07
- Capoeira - Grupo Balança - 2007-12-16
- Capoeira - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-12-18
- Carapace - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-02-27
- Carlo for Ever - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-05-27
- Carmen danst de Kaasfabriek - Dimension4 Theatre - 2011-02-18
- Charge Project - Muiderpoorttheater - 2010-11-05
- China Daily - Theatergroep Tender - 1987-05-15
- Cicak - Muiderpoorttheater - 2000-04-06
- Circuit du théâtre - Krochttheater - 1989-05-11
- Citizen925 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-09-20
- Coalescene - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-03-25
- Constr/ction - Stichting DasArts - 2004-09-17
- Continuum - Stichting Nicola Hepp Dansproducties - 2003-05-09
- Conversation in Circles - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-09-29
- Cool Memories - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-01-31
- Coordinates - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-10-15
- Corpus mysticum - Stichting Juxtapose - 2003-11-20
- Cronopios -abroad- en el extranjero - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-11-25
- Cuadrado negro sobre fondo negro - Rodrigo Pardo & Victoria Ansiaume - 2005-12-16
- Dance - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-09-20
- Dancing with Bishop - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-09-15
- Dans der zusters - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-12-17
- Dark Chocolate - Hiekyoung Kim - 1998-01-24
- De dans van wilde beesten en tamme huisdieren - Stichting Theaterproduktiekern - 1988-01-22
- De reis - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-11-15
- De stoelendans - Freek de Jonge - 1987-09-25
- Delete All Ctrl-at-the Club - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-12-15
- Descent - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-06-24
- Desperate - Stichting Dimovi - 2005-07-07
- Die Oh Joe - Meeting Mr. T - Tashi Iwaoka - 2011-12-04
- Dim - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-05-05
- Dimovi Presents - Stichting Dimovi - 2005-09-10
- Draumstätte - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-01-14
- Du fröhlicher Stern der Trauer - Stichting Poison Boys - 1996-06-12
- Eerste druk - Stichting Juxtapose - 2005-03-18
- El-Hagez - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-04-05
- Emergency Entrance of 14.09.08 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-09-14
- Empty Shoes - Stichting Dimovi - 2003-12-19
- Encuentros - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-03-13
- Episode Latte* (Milk) - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-09-20
- Episode Milk Shake - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-11-07
- Facet - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-10-15
- Faido - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-11-20
- Falling Apart - Muiderpoorttheater - 2011-10-07
- Falling Asleep - Muiderpoorttheater - 2011-02-03
- Falling in Love - Muiderpoorttheater - 2011-12-02
- FF Rewind, Pause 'n Play - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-11-14
- Fire 2 - Ria Higler - 2000-02-25
- Flaked - Go Solo Solodansfestival - 2000-01-22
- FNBMNHEC - Muiderpoorttheater - 2000-04-06
- Fragile - School voor Nieuwe Dans Ontwikkeling - 2006-12-01
- Fragment -1 - Manifest Dance Company - 2013-09-11
- Fragments of - Theaterschool - 2006-04-27
- Fresh - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2006-02-26
- From Routes To Crown - Muiderpoorttheater - 2013-09-27
- Full Enough - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-09-13
- Full Flavor, A Mousical Struggle - David Lakein - 1998-01-31
- Gertha Is Back - Netta Warga - 1998-01-31
- Goat - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-03-10
- Gods in Shiny, Filthy Clothes Spread The News on Children's Drawings - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-02-21
- Golek - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-12-19
- Gorilla Begins - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-03-09
- Green Green Grass - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-09-20
- Groen stuk - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-03-13
- Groove of Ends - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-06-30
- Hero from The Edge - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-10-19
- Het gezicht van de zon brengt een rad van avontuur - Theater en Congresprodukties Aenit - 1991-11-24
- Hiccup for Home - School voor Nieuwe Dans Ontwikkeling - 2006-12-01
- Hollywood Meets Bollywood - Krater Theater - 2004-12-17
- Hope Breath - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-11-04
- How It Is Made - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-02-10
- Hunted - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-01-29
- Hussel - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-04-12
- Hé pssst... rare Chinezen - Los zand - 1986-03-11
- I - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-12-06
- I Am The City - Muiderpoorttheater - 2010-06-11
- I Go, amongst Avalanches of Ghosts - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-04-28
- Iedereen is koning - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-11-08
- Improvisation - Set 2 - Magpie Umbrella - 2009-05-17
- Improvised Work - Magpie Music Dance Company - 1997-09-27
- In 2D, In to Dance or in to Deep - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-12-21
- In Lak 'ech, I Am Another Yourself - Go Solo Solodansfestival - 2000-01-22
- In The Making - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-12-12
- IndiaSpora - Muiderpoorttheater - 2006-12-16
- Instruments of Darkness - TBO Dance Ensemble - 2001-12-07
- Is Forever But Broken - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-05-08
- Island Recital - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-03-16
- It's My Right of Hoe vrouwen zich door de wereld bewegen - Stichting Dragon Productions - 2006-09-15
- It's Snowing - Sara Wiktorowicz - 1998-01-29
- L'Anarchy Female Ghost - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-04-28
- Land(e)scapes - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-06-21
- Las putas destrjen el ombre - Sergi Faustino - 1999-01-22
- Latzoof ulehatzif - Muiderpoorttheater - 2010-02-06
- Left Right, Left Right - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-04-29
- Level - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-12-16
- Light Becomes Her - Patricia Bardi - 1997-02-08
- Lightness - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-10-19
- Link Check* - Donald Fleming / Stichting oRElse - 1998-03-05
- Liquid EQ - Stichting Dimovi - 2005-07-07
- Loerdes - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-11-08
- Lostbox - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-06-21
- Love - Muiderpoorttheater - 2005-03-18
- Love Ship - Set 1 - Magpie Umbrella - 2009-05-17
- Low Lux - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-11-02
- Low Lux - Muiderpoorttheater - 2008-09-25
- Lucht - Muiderpoorttheater - 2012-12-14
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Cup-A-Soup - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-03-11
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Instigation 3.0 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-10-13
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2000-09-26
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2000-10-31
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2000-12-10
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-01-14
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-04-08
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-05-13
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-09-16
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-05-12
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-12-15
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-01-12
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-04-13
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Singing The Bones - Muiderpoorttheater - 2001-02-11
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Suite- Exposition - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-02-16
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Suite: Exposition - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-02-16
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations - Undergo - A Bodies Anonymous Productions - Muiderpoorttheater - 2000-11-12
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations- Abandon All Hope - Muiderpoorttheater - 2002-04-21
- M.A.D. Sunday Improvisations- Agency of Hope - Wish and Declair - Muiderpoorttheater - 2003-03-09