Categorie:Moderne dans
Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
Pagina’s in categorie "Moderne dans"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 200 pagina’s, van de 11.870 in totaal.
(vorige pagina) (volgende pagina)"
- "-related" -1 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-03-16
- "-related" -2 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-03-16
- "-related" -3 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-03-16
- "-related" -4 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-03-16
- "I" Is Memory - Louise Lecavalier - 2007-07-04
- "If" - C-scope - 2007-03-21
- "S" - Korzo producties - 2001-06-22
- '...Loop...' - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-11-25
- 'De vierde haring' een hollandse nieuwe... - Neufasen - 1988-04-21
- 'Ekstra'sensri - Disjointed Arts Foundation - 1999-10-01
- 'Faces' Two Against The World - Jongerentheater 020 - 2005-07-01
- 'Je' au pluriel of het meervoudige 'ik' - Stichting Bilski Algemeen - 1996-01-10
- 'n Aardigheidje - Werkcentrum Dans - 1977-10-16
- 'n Beschadigd sprookje - Meekers - 1993-10-24
- 's rot - Theaterschool - 1994-05-20
- 't Nest - Springdance - 1996-04-06
- 'Traibais - Cosmic - 1997-03-19
- 'Tweeheid' - Foltz & Company - 2011-10-13
- (...) - Korzo producties - 1995-05-12
- (AND) - Needcompany - 2002-10-23
- (b)ANAAL - De Rotterdamse Dansgroep - 1999-03-12
- (Breaking) The Back of Love - Blok & Steel - 1992-05-03
- (But if A Look Should) April Me - Rosas VZW - 2003-03-24
- (d)elusive minds - Korzo producties - 2015-10-09
- (Don’t) Look Me in The Eyes - ICK Dans Amsterdam - 2023-05-31
- (Henry's) Black Pen & More... - Stichting Dragon Productions - 2008-05-08
- (Henry's) Black Pen - De Dutch Don't Dance Division - 2009-04-15
- (I'm A) Hot Mess - LucyONES - 2017-06-06
- (K)not Untied - De Rotterdamse Dansgroep - 1993-06-01
- (M)imosa. Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church - Trajal Harrell - 2012-04-21
- (Meat) God on All Fours 1 - Naranti Productions - 1996-05-21
- (memorymatter) - Dansateliers - 2000-12-01
- (N)Emobody - Gotra Ballet - 2017-12-13
- (P)art-Trap / Time Remix - Dance Works Rotterdam - 2005-11-03
- (remor) - Res de Res - 2014-07-10
- (S)now - Gotra Ballet - 2013-12-07
- (Sur)render - Theater Rotterdam - 2025-02-21
- (They Feed We) Eat Eat Eat - Les Ballets C. de la B. - 1997-03-04
- (Un)Breakable - Compagnie Les Triplettes - 2013-05-01
- (W)edge - Nederlandse Dansdagen - 2008-10-05
- - Daisy's First Visit - Sybil Sings - 2010-06-12
- - I Found A Reason - Sybil Sings - 2010-07-02
- - Still Happening(s) - Sybil Sings - 2010-07-02
- -3 - Springdance - 1987-04-09
- -4 - Stephen Petronio Company - 1997-07-15
- -Antena- - God on All Fours 2 - Naranti Productions - 1998-01-18
- -at-Home - Meekers - 2011-05-29
- -at-ooo / Qu'est-ce que c'est monsieur, ce truc là? - Muiderpoorttheater - 1999-10-23
- -minaret - Maqamat Dance Theatre - 2019-07-09
- -StayOut - Plastique Fantastique - 2022-06-10
- ... (On The Inside) - Random Collision - 2011-01-28
- ... and Carolyn - Winter Guests - 2009-05-30
- ... And There Must Be A Way to Fly - Muziek- & Danstheater Pandora - 1993-12-18
- ... en wat verder nog ter tafel komt - Rosie Wooff - 2008-05-25
- ... Have You Hugged, Kissed and Respected Your Brown Venus Today? - Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam - 2011-12-09
- ... Is still a Rose - CNCD l'Esquisse - 1994-04-27
- ... Is still a Rose - CNDC d'Anger l'Esquisse - 1994-04-27
- ... It's Only A Rehearsal - Zero Visibility Corp. - 2007-08-18
- ...? - Shlomi Bitton - 2002-07-17
- ...and The Damage Done - LaroqueDanceCompany - 2002-07-19
- ...delle Reliquie - Raz / Hans Tuerlings - 1999-04-24
- ...en de groeten uit Beest - Muiderpoorttheater - 2004-06-18
- ...Enter - Galili Dance - 2000-02-02
- ...Extension, Repeat, Repeat - De Rotterdamse Dansgroep - 1994-03-01
- ...Have You Hugged, Kissed and Respected Your Brown Venus Today? - Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam - 2011-12-09
- ...In The Stillness between Two Waves of The Sea... - Muiderpoorttheater - 2010-04-11
- ...In vlie-vliegjes - Raz / Hans Tuerlings - 2005-03-13
- ...Run Deep - Nederlands Dans Theater I - 2003-04-08
- ...See You Next Week, Clear off The Rock - Het Danshuis - 1989-03-11
- ...That Was All I Wanted, So I Stuck My Finger in His Eye... - Kenneth Kvarnström & Co - 1993-05-07
- ...To The Tips of Her Fingers - Perron 2 - 1992-06-18
- ...und mied den Wind - Zürcher Ballett - 2001-04-13
- .whatdowefinallyshare - Dansmakers Amsterdam - 2012-10-10
- 1 + - Springdance - 2012-04-23
- 1 - stddanceco. - 2007-01-19
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,... 100 - Werkcentrum Dans - 1977-10-16
- 1-2 1-2-3-4 - Nieuw West - 1999-06-08
- 1-2-3 Tel Aviv & Dancing Outside - Holland Dance Festival - 2022-02-11
- 1.5 - Muiderpoorttheater - 2011-06-03
- 1/2 Wrong Plus Laytext - Stephen Petronio Company - 1993-04-12
- 1/5 - Pauline Daniëls - 1997-09-25
- 10 Seconden te laat - Stichting Danstheater Zazu - 1997-02-01
- 10 Years in A Blink - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-01
- 10 Years in A Blink - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-06
- 10 Years in A Blink - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-09
- 10 Years in A Blink - Set 1 - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-04
- 10 Years in A Blink - Set 1 - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-05
- 10 Years in A Blink - Set 1 - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-08
- 10 Years in A Blink - Set 2 - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-04
- 10 Years in A Blink - Set 2 - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-05
- 10 Years in A Blink - Set 2 - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-08
- 10 Years in A Blink - Set 3 - Magpie Music Dance Company - 2005-10-08
- 10's With Shoes - Holland Festival - 1982-05-28
- 100% - The Best of Momix - Momix American Dance Theatre - 2010-10-28
- 100% kunststof - Het Penta Theater - 1981-03-24
- 100.000 CC - Dansgezelschap Reflex - 1993-09-24
- 1000+1 Nacht - Gif.t - 2006-06-21
- 10000 Gestures - Boris Charmatz - 2019-05-18
- 1001 - Holland Dance Festival - 1991-11-21
- 1001 Nacht - ik zie je en moet mijn ogen sluiten - Het Nationale Ballet - 2012-10-28
- 11 3 8 7 - ICK Dans Amsterdam - 2023-09-10
- 12' - Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel - 1995-01-28
- 12/ ... im linken Rückspiegel auf dem Parkplatz von Woolworth - Neuer Tanz - 2008-09-27
- 12/4 = 3 - Fontys Hogescholen - 2003-06-23
- 13 & 14 - TAO Dance Theater - 2024-11-05
- 13 - Stichting Dansproduktie - 1984-01-10
- 14 Twee 85 - Werkcentrum Dans - 1985-02-14
- 15 Minute Universe - Stichting Another Kind of Blue - 2021-12-04
- 15 minutes or less - Scapino Ballet Rotterdam - 2014-10-01
- 15 minutes soothing sensescape for café no. 3 - Lazy Susan & Co - 2023-03-24
- 15 minutes soothing sensescape for café no. 3 - Lazy Suzan & Co. - 2023-03-24
- 15 Minutes Universe - Korzo producties - 2009-01-29
- 15 Seconds of Fame - Aaben Dans - 2014-04-10
- 16 Dances - Dance Works Rotterdam - 2003-02-16
- 16 Dances - Dance Works Rotterdam - 2004-03-30
- 171 / 174- Double Intuition -4 - CaDance - 2006-11-07
- 172 Suggesties aan een lichaam - LeineRoebana - 2010-02-06
- 18 - Mehmet Sander Dance Co. - 1994-08-03
- 180 Degrees - Guangdong Modern Dance Company - 2001-11-23
- 180° - Rotterdamse Dansacademie - 2002-06-27
- 1980 - Ein Stück von Pina Bausch - Holland Festival - 1982-06-25
- 1984 - deel 1- Verleden - De Dutch Don't Dance Division - 2011-05-11
- 1984 - deel 1: Verleden - De Dutch Don't Dance Division - 2011-05-11
- 1984 - deel 2- Heden - De Dutch Don't Dance Division - 2011-05-11
- 1984 - deel 3- Toekomst - De Dutch Don't Dance Division - 2011-05-11
- 1984- deel 1: Verleden - De Dutch Don't Dance Division - 2011-05-11
- 1984- deel 2: Heden - De Dutch Don't Dance Division - 2011-05-11
- 1st Street, 2nd Street - Dans- en Bewegingscollectief Het Kabinet - 1999-06-17
- 2 - BADco. - 2002-07-17
- 2 - Dansmakers Amsterdam - 2011-11-08
- 2 - La La La Human Steps - 1995-05-23
- 2 Avonden - Werkcentrum Dans - 1977-06-04
- 2- Dialogue with Lucinda - Stichting nb - 2010-03-24
- 2. Generation - Stichting Dansity - 1994-01-07
- 2.repulsion - S20 - 2011-07-09
- 2000 Ramen - Stichting Weerwerk - 1987-01-16
- 22 Blvd Lafayette - Tanzhaus NRW - 2003-12-05
- 22nd and 10th - Foltz & Company - 1985-03-16
- 24/7/52 - Bill Aitchison - 2008-01-11
- 247 Days - Chunky Move - 2014-12-02
- 25 Feet - The 100Hands - 2016-06-21
- 27th Character - DC 1 II High - 2013-05-07
- 2daPoint
- 2Halves - Korzo producties - 2011-02-08
- 2move Dance Company
- 2Tango - Maintenant InterArts Dancetheatre - 1999-10-30
- 3 / 0 - Monty - 2003-10-17
- 3 Against 2- Psycho Tropics - Julidans - 2023-07-07
- 3 Duetten Jan Kooijman - Scapino Ballet Rotterdam - 2013-06-05
- 3 for 5 - Petit Ballet Théâtre Amsterdam - 1987-11-09
- 3 Fremde 1 Sehnsucht - Theater Instituut Nederland - 1998-11-20
- 3 Identitäten 1 Sehnsucht - Theater Instituut Nederland - 1998-11-20
- 3 op 3 - fABULEUS - 2014-04-06
- 3 Portraits - Nederlands Dans Theater I - 2006-04-06
- 3 Shades - Muiderpoorttheater - 2009-02-27
- 3 Stühle 1 Sehnsucht - Theater Instituut Nederland - 1998-11-20
- 3 Suite - Foltz & Company - 1989-03-30
- 3 Ways to Master A Kiss or A Twentyfiveminutes Kiss at Your Neck - Frascati Producties - 2010-03-16
- 3- The Garden - Stichting nb - 2011-03-17
- 3.(Incógnitas)O2 - DansWerkplaats Amsterdam - 1997-03-20
- 3.0.3. - Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel - 1998-04-04
- 3.4 Blue Boy - Muiderpoorttheater - 2007-03-16
- 3/4 Memory - Nederlands Dans Theater I - 2007-05-05
- 30 Min 10 Sec - Compagnie Geranium - 1993-09-15
- 300% - Stichting Grand Theatre - 1997-03-03
- 312 Ways to Go about It - Marlieke Burghouts - 2022-09-08
- 32 rue Vandenbranden - Peeping Tom - 2010-08-13
- 324 Mountains Between Us - Grip - 2025-02-14
- 360 Degrees - Theaterschool - 1999-05-06
- 37 °C - DWA danswerkplaats & dansproductiehuis - 2006-05-17
- 3Abschied - Rosas VZW - 2010-06-12
- 3Nights, 3Days - NOW Dance Company - 2010-11-11
- 3petiX - PO.V.S.Tanze - 2006-04-20
- 3x Suzy - Kudde - 2009-04-24
- 3x3 - De Stilte - 2011-05-14
- 4 & 5 - TAO Dance Theater - 2013-07-04
- 4 = Vier - DansTheater Kharisma - 1996-12-06
- 4 in1 - Theaterschool - 1999-12-16
- 4 Legs - Zeynep Tanbay Dance Project - 2008-10-31
- 4 Levels of Elegance, Energy and A Hint of Human - Theaterwerkplaats Generale Oost - 2002-06-01
- 4 On Behalf of A Whole - Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel - 2006-05-06
- 4 Seasons - Korzo producties - 2013-10-05
- 4 To Drive - Foltz & Company - 1989-03-30
- 4- Still Life - Stichting nb - 2013-10-30
- 4- Still Life - Theater Malpertuis - 2013-10-29
- 40 Monologues - Julyen Hamilton - 1999-03-12
- 4: Still Life - Theater Malpertuis - 2013-10-29
- 4D - Eastman - 2014-03-18
- 4D-for Thee - Cosmic - 1995-10-27
- 4fF1OuLlDt - Introdans - 2007-06-06
- 4Hands - Conny Janssen Danst - 2009-05-16
- 4x4/ The Fellowschip of Dance - Korzo producties - 2015-01-31