Uit TheaterEncyclopedie
Pagina’s in categorie "Australië"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 200 pagina’s, van de 334 in totaal.
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- A Circus Sonata - Cirque de Lurk - 1997-07-05
- A simple space - Gravity & Other Myths - 2018-05-02
- A Simple Space - Gravity & Other Myths - 2018-05-02
- Ablaze! - Icarus Performance Troupe - 1998-09-08
- Absolute Pearl - Strange Fruit - 2007-06-10
- Ah Q Goes West - One Extra Company - 1986-05-12
- All Aboard - Oskar - 2004-08-11
- All That Glitters - Cassel & Collins - 2002-07-06
- An Inspector Calls - Triad Stage Alliance - 1985-11-17
- Angels Ex Machina - Stalker Stilt Theatre - 1993-06-11
- Antarctica - Holland Festival - 2022-06-05
- Anti-gravity - Chunky Move - 2018-05-19
- ARC Dreaming - Nunukul Kanjeil - 1999-09-14
- Arty MS - Theaker von Ziarno - 2006-07-22
- Attractor - Dancenorth - 2019-05-16
- Back Again - The Kransky Sisters - 2012-02-07
- Backbone - Gravity & Other Myths - 2017-08-18
- Bang! Crash! Tap! - Raw Dance Company - 2012-11-15
- Be Your Self - Australian Dance Theatre - 2011-02-08
- Bendy Em Show - Bendy Em - 2009-07-04
- Bennelong - Australian Chamber Orchestra - 1988-04-28
- Benny B Show - Benny B - 2015-06-27
- Bernard's Puppet Bonanza - Pickled Image - 2002-08-23
- Between tiny cities រវាងទីក្រុងតូច - Nick Power - 2019-08-22
- Beyond beyond - Yaron Lifschitz - 2017-12-08
- Bike Boy - Sean Bridges - 2003-06-17
- Birdbrain - Australian Dance Theatre - 2003-10-24
- Bistro Bizarro - David Cassel Project - 2001-07-07
- Black Project 1 - Antony Hamilton - 2013-08-22
- Blood Links - Performing Lines - 2002-09-03
- Blood Links - William Yang - 2016-03-05
- Blood Vessel - Stalker - 1998-08-07
- Blue Boys - Neil Thomas - 1997-07-05
- Body of knowledge - at home - Samara Hersch - 2021-05-22
- Body of Knowledge - At Home - Samara Hersch - 2021-05-22
- Boom Town Family - Snuff Puppets - 2003-06-13
- Boywatch - PopEyed - 2008-06-23
- Bunny - Daniel Kok - 2019-05-22
- Burn The Floor - Andrew Zwack - 1999-12-08
- By The Light of Stars that Are No Longer... - CIRCA - 2008-08-21
- Cabaret Delirium - - 1987-06-24
- Cantina - Cantina - 2011-08-24
- Catwalk - Bedlam Oz - 2002-07-04
- Chandelier And Tequila - Shirlee and Anne - 2008-08-08
- Cheaper - Acrobat - 2007-08-16
- Chickpower - Gener8orcreator - 2010-09-08
- Chrome 3- The Sharks - Chrome - 1995-08-21
- Chrome 5- Diviners of The Urban Tribe - Chrome - 1995-08-22
- Circa - C!rca - 2011-03-29
- Circa's peepshow - CIRCA - 2019-11-28
- Circus Circus - Icarus Performance Troupe - 1999-06-18
- Cod Piece - Velvet - 1994-05-27
- Coma Back!!! - Oskar & Strudel - 2010-06-06
- Comedy Act - Sam Angelico - 1988-07-14
- Coming Soon - Pickled Image - 2002-08-23
- Complexity of Belonging - Chunky Move - 2015-05-21
- Controlled Falling Project - This Side Up - 2009-06-06
- Cows - Snuff Puppets - 2003-06-13
- Crying Baby - The Marrugeku Company - 2001-06-15
- Dame Edna Goes Dutch in Amsterdam - Dame Edna - 1994-11-04
- De ontmoeting - The Kransky Sisters - 2012-01-17
- De waanzinnige boomhut van 13 verdiepingen - Meneer Monster - 2017-10-01
- Deepspace - James Batchelor - 2018-11-24
- Desert dreams 2018 world tour - Australia's Thunder from down under - 2018-10-16
- Ding Dong, Yvonne's Calling - Circus OzStar - 2009-07-03
- Dirty Money - Johnny Melville - 1989-01-10
- Don Juan - The Sydney Front - 1992-04-15
- Don't Explain - The Umbilical Brothers - 2009-01-26
- Douglas - Hannah Gadsby - 2019-11-13
- Duet for One - Horizon Theatre - 1990-06-30
- Dust - Born In A Taxi - 1996-06-14
- Early Ripen Early Rot - Adam Linder - 2010-04-23
- Elevate - Stalker Theatre Company - 2012-07-06
- Emu Nomads - Dancing Dragons - 1999-06-14
- Encoded - Stalker Theatre Company - 2013-08-22
- Ernest's Rockin' Stunt Show - Ernest The Magnifico - 2011-05-27
- Eternity - CIRCA - 2023-12-02
- European Blues - Johnny Melville - 1998-06-15
- Ezprezzo Bongo - Festival of Fools - 1980-06-10
- Familie - Bedlam Oz - 1998-09-11
- Fantastico - The Great Gondos - 2009-06-27
- Fast Ground - Etcetera La Strada - 1991-07-11
- Fast Yarns - Leigh Warren & Dancers - 1993-10-20
- Faulty Towers ... The Dining Experience - Interactive Theatre Australia - 2010-01-07
- Fight Night (Remake) - Ontroerend Goed vzw - 2024-04-12
- Fight Night - Ontroerend Goed vzw - 2013-09-04
- Fire of Dance - The Irish Dance Company - 2002-10-14
- Fire on The Nile - Cassel & Collins - 2005-08-25
- Flight - Strange Fruit - 1998-07-17
- Flying Carpet - Jaardu - 2017-08-26
- Flyway - Aphids - 2014-05-17
- Foonki - Linsey Pollak & Jessica Ainsworth - 2002-06-22
- Forest in The Night - Snuff Puppets - 2004-07-15
- Four Riders - Stalker Theatre Company - 2002-08-23
- From The Museum of Sleep - Holland Festival - 1999-06-05 Genesi
- Funky Love Squad - Icarus Performance Troupe - 1999-07-11
- Furioso - Meryl Tankard Australian Dance Theatre - 1998-05-05
- G. - Australian Dance Theatre - 2008-10-01
- Gadgets - Joel Salom - 2009-07-03
- Ganesh Versus the Third Reich - Back To Back Theatre - 2012-09-26
- Genesi, from The Museum of Sleep - Holland Festival - 1999-06-05
- Gevaarlijk liefdesverkeer - Tamara Campbell - 2008-06-14
- Giant Bouncing Kangaroos - Roo'd - 2004-06-12
- Glam Scam - Icarus Performance Troupe - 2001-07-07
- Glitch - The Great Gondos - 2009-06-27
- Glow - Chunky Move - 2007-08-21
- Gudirr Gudirr - The Marrugeku Company - 2014-07-05
- Heaven by Storm - The Umbilical Brothers - 2009-04-11
- Held - Australian Dance Theatre - 2006-11-21
- Helix - Leigh Warren & Dancers - 1993-10-20
- Hello My Name Is - Nicola Gunn - 2014-09-26
- High Society - Icarus Performance Troupe - 1999-06-18
- High Society - Icarus Performance Troupe - 2001-07-07
- Holiday - Ranters Theatre - 2009-08-24
- Honour Bound - Sydney Opera House - 2007-06-15
- Hotch's 3D TeeVee Show - David Cassel Project - 1995-08-05
- Humans - CIRCA - 2018-11-29
- Humans 2.0 - CIRCA - 2024-05-01
- Images without Organs- Absent Body / Involuntary Actions - Stelarc - 1994-09-16
- Images without Organs: Absent Body / Involuntary Actions - Stelarc - 1994-09-16
- Impulse - Leigh Warren & Dancers - 2009-11-06
- Incognita - Stalker Theatre Company - 2004-07-28
- Intimacy - Ranters Theatre - 2012-08-20
- It's Going to Get Dark - Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam - 2023-05-19
- La la parlour - La La Parlour - 2009-10-06
- Lady eats apple - Back To Back Theatre - 2017-06-24
- Lady Eats Apple - Back To Back Theatre - 2017-06-24
- Last Change Café - Mademoiselle Bottleshot - 2010-08-27
- Latin Lover - Icarus Performance Troupe - 1999-06-18
- Leaping Loonies - Leaping Loonies - 2007-07-21
- Liedjesprogramma - - 1987-06-24
- Liqueur flambé - Strings on Fire - 2011-07-09
- Live Flavour - The Great Gondos - 2009-06-27
- Looking for Love - Shirlee Sunflower - 2011-07-09
- Los Angeles - Noha Ramadan - 2016-02-12
- Love & Chaos - Alan Clay - 1999-07-10
- Lullaby movement - Sophia Brous - 2019-05-17
- Maakinngs - Contact Youth Theatre Australia - 1993-10-31
- Made in China 2.0 - Malthouse Theatre - 2023-08-19
- Manila Zoo - Eisa Jocson - 2022-05-21
- Meeting - Antony Hamilton - 2015-08-24
- Men also Move Walls - Provisional Danza - 1998-08-13
- Mimi - The Marrugeku Company - 1997-06-17
- MirrorMirror - Stichting Grand Theatre - 2009-08-21
- Miss Australia 1964 - Jacqie Algie - 2007-06-15
- More or Less Concrete - Tim Darbyshire - 2014-08-28
- Mortal Engine - Chunky Move - 2008-08-23
- Mr & Mrs - Bedlam Oz - 1999-08-12
- Musical Monks - Johnny Melville - 1986-05-20
- My Fathers House - One Extra Company - 1986-05-12
- Objects for Meditation - Performing Lines - 2005-09-20
- One Giant Step - Icarus Performance Troupe - 2002-06-14
- One Hell of A Night - Fifi l' Amour - 1988-10-10
- Out of chaos... - Gravity & Other Myths - 2019-08-15
- Outer Sink - Los Trios Ringbarkus - 1986-04-29
- OzStar Airlines - Circus OzStar - 2006-06-20
- Pam Ann - Pam Ann - 2012-11-08
- Pandora's Boxes - Pandora Pink - 2008-08-12
- Pandora´s Boxes - Pandora Pink - 2008-08-12
- Pants down circus rock - Pants Down Circus - 2016-12-14
- Pastiche - Circo Charibari - 2008-05-17
- Phobia - Chamber Made Opera - 2005-08-18
- Ping Body - Stelarc - 1996-09-17
- Pink Fit - Chrome - 1999-07-10
- Please Stand - Lara Thoms - 2022-08-26
- Pleasure and Pain, A BDSM-tinged Comedy Night - John Robertson - 2025-03-06
- Polar force - Speak percussion - 2019-08-23
- Poorer - Acrobat - 2007-08-16
- Project X - Raw Dance Company - 2007-11-13
- PropagandA - Acrobat - 2010-08-21
- Puppetry of The Penis - David Friend & Simon Morley - 2002-09-20
- R'ood - Icarus Performance Troupe - 2002-06-14
- Rapt - Douglas Wright Dance Company - 2013-04-11
- Red - Stalker Theatre Company - 2004-07-02
- Refractions - Entr'acte - 1985-01-30
- Ride - The Other Tongue - 2004-05-03
- Robots - Icarus Performance Troupe - 1999-07-10
- Room to Let - Gabriella Clark - 1989-06-14
- Rooman - Fleur Elise Noble - 2018-08-30
- Rêves d’été - CircoPitanga - 2012-07-06
- Saltbush - Insite Arts - 2019-06-08
- Scattered Tacks - Silvertree & Gellmann - 2009-08-26
- Scotch & soda - the Uncanny Carnival Band - 2018-10-27
- Seven Faces of Sindbad - Triad Stage Alliance - 1980-06-08
- Shadow Puppets - Richard Bradshaw - 1986-12-21
- Shimmer - Leigh Warren & Dancers - 2009-11-06
- Shining - Holland Festival - 1988-06-22
- Show '94 - Circus Oz - 1994-08-05
- Slapdash galaxy - Bunk puppets - 2018-10-14
- Slinkie Love - Bedlam Oz - 1997-07-18